firmness. Truth may be thought of as something firm; so too can certain bonds between people, liketrust,another derivative of the same root. A slightly different form of the root,*dru-,appears in the worddruid,a type of ancient Celtic priest; his name is etymologically*dru-wid-,or "stron...
Your Daily Bible Mini-Devotional. See a new Bible verse and accompanying commentary every day. All available on our website or through our mobile apps. Sign up for daily reminders to help you remain faithful in your daily Bible readings.
Who said “the truth will set you free” in the Bible? John 8begins with the story of the teachers of the law and the Pharisees bringing in a woman caught in adultery. They have her stand in front of a group while they announce her sin, and state that pe...
We help you memorize the Bible chapter by chapter! Word 4 Word Ministries provides downloadable bible verse songs to help you memorize Bible chapters.
Yes! Satan's intention ("the god of this world") is to deceive humanity by hiding the truth found in Christ and His completed work for us at the cross: 2 Cor... 7 days ago • 1 More Answer • Follow • Vote Up Answer by Tim Maas , Retired Quality Assurance Specialist with...
5.The Bereans werewilling to change their viewin light of the biblical truth.As shown in verse 12, many of the Bereans accepted Paul’s teaching andchanged their view. This is commendable for it’s one thing to be open and realize what the Bible truly teaches, it’s quite another to ...
One reason why the Bible uses typology is that object lessons are a particularly helpful teaching tool. It is easier for people to understand theological truth when they can see a model of that truth, rather than being taught the principles or prophecies abstractly. Typology also shows how God...
This verse specifically states that the universe was a creation of the Almighty, and not the result of an accidental explosion. 这段经文特别指出宇宙是全能的创造,而不是偶然爆炸的结果。 There is a difference between the creation of the universe, and the making of it. The Lord created the Univ...
Bible, Archaeology, and Travel with Luke Chandler ColumnsProMinisterio Audacity and Supposition Foundation Truths Said to Myself Research supports the truth Kingdom Witness מִקְרָא Mikra: Biblical studies Michael Walker's Christadelphian Pamphlets ...
The Bible is the only spoken word of God to man, and is alive with his unchanging truth. It is the Revelation of His Son Jesus whom He sent to save the world. Perfect from beginning to end, Genesis to Revelation, you will be forever changed by studying its truth. “The Bible is...