The Mysteries of Watergateis the only comprehensive story of Watergate, from beginning to end, which also includes insightful analysis of why the public never found out the truth about this intriguing scandal. order today POSTGATE Deep Throat’s lawyer discovers the Washington Post betrayed his clie...
As the 50th anniversary of the 1972 election approaches, it is time to reconsider the Watergate controversy that preceded and ultimately partially undid it. I’ve just completed a review for the New Criterion of Michael Dobbs’ new book about Watergate, King Richard. The book repeats endlessly,...
Richard Nixon: California's Native Son, Paul Carter, Potomac Books - Before Watergate, Richard Nixon was a trial attorney, World War II veteran, Congressional House Representative, and a Vice President, who served the American people with distinction. He was also a Californian. Like all people,...
Nixon’s ultimate resignation resulted from the “Watergate scandal“, in which members of his re-election campaign and administrative staff, perhaps without his knowledge (at least at first), ran clandestine operations designed to protect him from his political enemies and a relentless news media. ...
The Body’s Keepers also reveals the inequities and injustices at the heart of America’s healthcare system. Filled with case studies, personal histories, and first-hand accounts, the book reveals the shocking truth about the exploitation of vulnerable populations in the pursuit of profit. Kimmel...
Byline: Andrew P. Napolitano The White House responded to a Freedom of Information Act...Napolitano, Andrew P
“objective” journalism to arrive at truth—especially after more traditional reporting failed to convey the complex truth of events such as McCarthyism in the 1950s, theVietnam Warin the 1960s and ’70s, and theWatergate scandalin the early 1970s. By 1996 objectivity had been so crippled ...
As Compelling as the Truth Nixon Gets the Analyst He Deserved - Oliver Stone - Says Watergate ReporterTHE AUTHENTIC IMAGES of the real Richard Nixon will be replayedfor generations. Two videos will...By Bob WoodwardThe Washington Post
Once news of the Watergate break-in hit the news, Martha seemed to vanish from the public eye. Her story is that she was held captive, basically kidnapped, as the administration advanced a public character assassination on her. When the secret tapes were revealed, and Martha discovered her hu...
Related:Blind Ambition: 9 Books About the Watergate Scandal Watch It Now Turning Point: 9/11 and the War on Terror Photo Credit:Netflix There’s no question that 9/11 was a turning point in American history, and even modern history at large. Featuring interviews with former CIA agents, ad...