This he took, though, as snuff, pocketing a little wad of it beneath his lower lip and licking down neatly into this with a flick of his tongue which made a frequent grimace come over his face. "The very teeth in my head have always tasted sour to me," he said in explanation. "Th...
They shake. Andy strolls off. Red watches him go. 他们握握手,安迪漫步走开,瑞德看着他离开。 RED (V.O.)瑞德(旁白) I could see why some of the boys took him for snobby. He had a quiet way about him, a walk and talk that just wasn't normal around here. He strolled like a man ...
Her eyes were dark with anger.“All right, if you want the truth you can have it and to hell with you.I did it and I'd do it again.I told you I'd stick at nothing to prevent her from marrying Larry.You wouldn't do a thing, either you or Gray.You just shrugged your ...
For a split second I put on my acted grimace, as I thought that the pain was nothing after all; and then it got through to me. A searing band of fire lashed across the crown of my bottom and the expression of pain on my face was absolutely genuine. I tightened my grip on the ...
Ask any woman who has experienced natural childbirth what transition was like and you’ll most likely get a grimace. Transitions are hard and there is usually no way around them but through. When our son was born my labor progressed … Continue reading → Posted in Christian Marriage, communic...
“trump” in any form), or will censor any presentation on science on issues that do not toe the line with some activists’ misguided notions of ideological purity. I too am now concerned about the FFRF diluting its “…its historically twofold mission: educating the public about nontheism ...
To distort the features of the face; grimace. make a go of To achieve success in: have made a go of the business. make away with 1. To carry off; steal. 2. To use up or consume. 3. To kill or destroy. make believe To pretend. make bold To venture: I will not make so bold...
Thugnor Scrolls of Grimace Black Metal 2011 4 Sargon the Terrible 2023-04-18 Thulcandra Ascension Lost Black/Death 2015 3.75 MetalMike 2015-04-26 Thulcandra Fallen Angel's Dominion Black/Death 2010 3.75 MetalMike 2010-06-22 Thulcandra Under a Frozen Sun Black Metal 2011 3.75 MetalMike 2011-10...
the purpose of mosquitoes – nothing is off-limits as the poems wind their way through the forests and sand dunes of Michigan (with brief visits to Ohio and Arizona). Nature – at both its finest and most misery-inducing – is on full display here. And if Nature is worried about what ...
The sighs, the grimaces, the rolling eyes. Aren’t these just idle comments? you might think. Just venting? Everyone knows I love my spouse, so what’s the big deal if I let off some steam? Here’s the big deal. It has a micro aspect and a macro aspect—what it does to your ...