And, in truth, some of them haven’t been all that different; the infamous “centrists,” for example. The ones who come out after every lost election to blame the progressives. Makes me crazy. But if something good does manage to sneak out of this terrible mess we’re stuck in now,...
Truth be told, in real life, this would not have had a happy ending. All that remains to say is that I hope the TV series changes *everything* about this: from Phillip’s personality to Eloise’s response to the abuse plotline. If I could be so bold as to address the show runners...
Yes, Abusers Can Change: EndSpousal Abuseand Save Your Marriage Marital therapy, psychotherapy, anger management not working for you and your partner. Before you give up, know your options for domestic abuse therapy. Learn how domestic violence counseling promoteschange for batterersandhealing for do...
You are dealing with their “truth.” It will be different from yours. If we cannot as parents accept someone else’s truth without placing blame, giving excuses, or getting angry, then we will never have the fullness of relationship with our children. There will always be an underlying “...
(Satanic Ritual Abuse), Stormy Daniels, Subservience-Seeking, Suppressing Evidence, Supressing Truth, Synthetic Telepathy, Targeted Individuals, Targeting, Technocracy, Technocratic Agenda, Telekinesis, Telepathic Abuse, Telepathic Communication, telepathy, Tesla, The Cabal, The Donald, The Establishment ...
Abusers, Abusing Natural Laws, Abusing Spiritual Principles, Abusive People, Abusive Relationships, Accepting Responsibility, Acts of Terrorism, Adverse Effects, Adverse Reactions, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21, Agenda to Kill 90% of World's Population, Agendas, Agents of Disinformation, Agents of the Apocal...
Fact 4:Trauma bonding can occur in abusive relationships with abusers who are not narcissists. Fact 5:Most victims of narcissistic abuse who do leave report that they felt sad,anxious, disappointed,depressed, and angry at their abuser. However, they were not trauma-bonded and were...
Despite this, the truth has been leaking out. Security guards stand outside hotel entrances, alerting anyone who sees them that all is not well. Crime, vagrancy and drug usage/dealing have also increased around the hotels. In one hotel,Untersreceive needle kits and are advised to call the ...
abusers and aloan shark threateningto lop off a client’s pinky. But the real test comes when a landlordasks Walt to help himsue the City of Kansas City which has passed the Tenant Bill of Rights which makes people with evictionsand criminal records a protected class. Due to this new...
he was only interested in money and winning. He made her life hell when she finally asked for a divorce, using the children as pawns against her. He didn’t care about them — he only cared that he was taking them away from Linda. Unfortunately, there are many abusers out there, but...