I'm going to have to tell him the truth. 我得把真相告诉他。 来自柯林斯例句 13. To tell the truth, I'm a bit unsettled tonight. 实话告诉你,我今晚有点儿心神不宁。 来自柯林斯例句 14. The truth is beginning to come out about what happened. 真相开始逐渐浮出水面。 来自柯林斯例句 15. ...
The truth of the matter is that we had no other choice. 实情就是我们别无选择。 柯林斯例句 Claire had made me promise to tell her the truth. 克莱尔要我保证把真相告诉她。 柯林斯例句 The truth is, I'm a failed comedy writer really. 事实上,我真的是个很失败的喜剧作家。 柯林斯例句 How fa...
他所关心的真理(the truth)即他所关心的人们。如果他们是悲惨的,肮脏的,而他不会是无辜的、清白的;如果他们在挣扎、呼号、于…blog.sina.com.cn|基于573个网页 3. 法内情 摩登如来神掌 - 搜搜百科 ... 法中情 Law or Justice 法内情 The Truth 鬼新娘 The Phantom Bride ... baike.soso.com|基于189个...
thetruth和atruth的主要区别在于它们的特指和泛指性质。 首先,thetruth通常被视为具有特指性的词汇,它指向的是唯一且确定的真相或事实。在这种情况下,the的使用强调了真相的唯一性和普遍性,暗示着这个真相是普遍认可的,且不受任何个人或团体主观意见的影响。例如,当我们在法庭上说“thetruth will out”,我们指的...
thetruth 2023/日本 主演:松田翔太大宫二郎后藤刚范小田切让菅田将晖浅野堇寺本莉绪柄本时生永井若叶藤原浩 导演:高崎卓马平田大辅 剧情简介 :无 演职人员 松田翔太 主演 小田切让 主演 菅田将晖 主演 浅野堇 主演 柄本时生 主演
Speak the truth don't you dare lie to me告诉我事实,你竟敢对我撒谎 I've seen it all before the way you disagree在你拒绝之前,我就已经看清 The way you always attack all the things that you say你的说法总是自相矛盾 The way you turn your back and then you walk away你的行为总是不负责任...
《The Truth》是Dr. Dog演唱的歌歌曲,收录在专辑《B-Room》中。歌词 The truth don't stop, it makes you move Round and round, like the moon It's coming down, the truth don't stop It's really coming The truth don't stop, it's falling hard The truth don't stop Another day, the ...
Dexter - The Truth
群星- The Truth