\"The Triumph of the Egg\" is considered one of Anderson's masterpieces. Through the mouth of a boy in the first person, the novel tells the life events of himself and his parents in memories and associations, from which we feel the profound influence of the American dream on people and...
because I am the son of my father. At any rate, the problem remains unsolved in my mind.”Under the belief of the American Dream, people in the
beforemarriage:nonotionoftrying torise aftermarriage:ambitious/gettingup intheworld Thewayofstartingtheirbusiness chickenraisingrestaurantbusiness Failure Thatmeans:It’sthetriumphoftheegg 1.chickenraising:chickensarebornoutoftheeggs,andwillsuffermanydiseases,mostofwhicharedead.Evensomeofthemstrugglethroughto...
Analysis on the Causes of the Break of Father's American Dream in The Triumph of the Egg (中文版)“父亲”美国梦的缘起缘灭 ——舍伍德·安德森《鸡蛋的胜利》解析 《鸡蛋的胜利》是美国著名的小说家舍伍德·安德森传世佳作之一。舍伍德·安德森生于美国俄亥俄州卡姆丹镇,后移居到克莱德镇,而且他的很多小说...
Theegg isanAmerican dreamindeed,and thenarrator’soutlook on life is that the reality of an American dream is hard to attain。The stories in The Triumph of the Egg are characterized by a casual development, complexity of motivation, and an interest in psychological process。 Butwhyhe always ...
●AmericanDream(people’sconceptandpursue,wealthandsocietystatus,spirit)Briefintroductionofthenovel •Thenovelwaswrittenin1921.Feature:theangleofthefirstsubject •Itwasselected fromhisshort story collections:TheTriumphoftheEggandotherstories briefandlivelylanguage conversationalstyle.Analysisofthecharacters “I...
beforemarriage:nonotionoftryingtorise aftermarriage:ambitious/gettingupintheworld Thewayofstartingtheirbusiness chickenraisingrestaurantbusiness Failure Egg Thatmeans:It’sthetriumphoftheegg 1.chickenraising:chickensarebornoutoftheeggs,andwillsuffermanydiseases,mostofwhicharedead.Evensomeofthemstrugglethroughto...
to the Author Reader 1 The Egg: Beautiful But Fragile American Dream This story is from Sherwood Andersons The Triumph of the Egg, which was published in 1920s, when, with the rapid economic development, America was emerging as an industrial giant. At that time, optimism was prevailing and...
"The Egg",taken from "The Triumph of the Egg",one ofSherwood Anderson'swell-knownshort stories,is a humorousfictionabout a farmer who became infected with the American passion for "success"and started to pursuewealth and social position.However, hefailed though he madeseveral attempt.This paper...
The Triumph of the Egg 优质课件The Triumph of the Egg Main Contents Brief introduction of the writer Analysis of the novel’s structure and the character Theme of this novel Sherwood Anderson (1876-1941) Ealy life Camden, Ohio September 13, 1876 Nickname "Jobby...