Ww1 Life in the Trenches
Engage in strategic warfare as you lead your troops to victory, utilizing a mix of soldiers and tanks to conquer enemy trenches. Survive relentless assaults and unleash tactical artillery strikes to turn the tide of battle. Experience the thrill of historical conflicts like never before, including...
Makeship.com/products/WW1GameSeries The pins!We've made a pin to represent each game in the series. The bronze pin represents Verdun, the first game in the series. Featuring the Adrian helmet, a spade and the trenches of the Western Front covered in deadly toxic gas, all enveloped by...
This resource is intended to enable students to understand and discuss the details and conditions in the trenches. A particular focus is to imagine them from the perspective of the individual soldier. The war-time diary of Tommy Murphy (a veteran of the Western Front of WW1) has been discove...
This is a day where we remember everyone in the armed forces who fought and lost their lives during the war. Embed from Getty Images Find out more about the Great War – World War 1 Find out more about The Trenches in World War I Send us your favourite facts! Is there something we'...
The underground war fought on the Western Front and at Gallipoli has been, until recently, a rather overlooked aspect of WW1. With both sides facing stalemate, above ground tunneling and detonating vast mines beneath enemy trenches became one way to try breaking the deadlock. Both sides deployed...
This disease occurred in the trenches as a lack of hygiene. “Rats would produce 480 babies per year” (WW1- class 6, 2012) Soldiers would get this disease as there would be swamps of rats that would keep coming into the trenches therefor giving the soldiers “Wiel’s Disease”. The ...
WW1 Trenches: Machine Gun The machine gun was the most widely used weapon in world war one. The guns were very heavy and had to be supported on a tripod. They also required three or four men to operate them. The men in this picture are also wearing gas masks for protection against ga...
WW1 Trenches men need rest but there is a war that has just begun. My sleeps are less than one hour at a time but I am constantly interrupted by the violent images I have witnessed. The conditions here are horrific. Rats the size of cats are festering in the trenches. These rodents...