The Tree of Life: Directed by Terrence Malick. With Brad Pitt, Sean Penn, Jessica Chastain, Hunter McCracken. The story of a family in Waco, Texas in 1956. The eldest son witnesses the loss of innocence and struggles with his parents' conflicting teachin
又名生命树 永生树 家谱 The Tree of Life 编剧 泰伦斯·马力克 主演 布拉德·皮特希斯·莱杰西恩·潘杰西卡·查斯坦泰伊·谢里丹 剧情 影片的主角是一个叫做杰克的11岁美国中西部的少年。他是家里三个孩子当中的一个。 ... 导赏 从微观世界到宏观想象 获奖 获奖1次, 提名1次 ...
Film Review | The tree of lifeBy Sanjukta Sharma
A beloved image in cultures and faiths around the world, the Tree of Life links the heavens, the earth, and all that is hidden and growing beneath. What better symbol for the creative growing of people and relationships? The simple Tree of Life image at the top left corner of your screen...
The Tree of Life (生命樹) – 因我受造, 奇妙可畏 上帝啊, 我能逃避祢的靈到何處? 祢無處不在, 祢無所不能 上至宇宙芎蒼, 下至地面影子, 祢與我們同在, 祢垂聽我們祈求 創立大地的全能之主, 展示人世不曾理解的奧祕 祢差遣了聖靈作伴, 與我們同在的憑證...
A prayer beneath the Tree of Life 这篇影评可能有剧透 Terrence Malick's new film is a form of prayer. It created within me a spiritual awareness, and made me more alert to the awe of existence. I believe it stands free from conventional theologies, although at its end it has images ...
| 动画 | 1小时12分钟 6.7 力荐 0看过 0 片 名剧场版弗兰基和朋友们:生命之树 上映时间2016年04月13日 导 演朴正午 又名Frankie and Friends the Movi... 主 演安英美金敏贞崔承勋 剧情 고구마 튀김이 먹고 싶은 프랭키와 어제 남은 음식을 먼저 다 먹...
Tree of Life is a period film centered around three boys in the 1950s. The eldest son of two characters (Brad Pitt and Jessica Chastain) witnesses the loss of innocence.We trace the evolution of Jack, an eleven-year-old boy in the Midwest, who is one of three brothers. At first, ...
Slade Collins and The Tree Of Life is an adventure film that explores ancient Iroquois folklore. The story follows a relic hunter named Slade Collins who is employed by a museum caretaker to find Dr. Winters, a renowned anthropologist who has gone missing. Dr. Winters was researching The Tree...
| 生死树(1984) 中国 | 剧情 暂未上映 不能评分 看过 25 片 名生死树 导 演郑会立 又 名生死树 The Tree Of Life And Death Sheng Si Shu 编 剧郭文立 主 演沙景昌潘予刘倩义林乃忠 剧情 30年代末,广东客家阴那山区,卖身为婢的张秀娇与砍柴郎陈丰源一见钟情,相爱笃深。但丰源无钱赎出秀娇,俩人只...