The transport of water in subduction zones. Sci. China Earth Sci. 59, 651-682.Zheng Y F, Chen R X, Xu Z, Zhang S B. 2016. The transport of water in subduction zones. Sci China Earth Sci, 59: 651-682Zheng Yongfei, Chen Renxu, Xu Zheng, et al. 2016. The transport of water ...
zones.Waterorhydrogenmaybetransportedasfarasthebottomofthealthoughtheirwatertransport lowermantlebyreactingwithmetallicironinthelowermantletoformcapacityisstillamatterofdebate hydrousphasesorironhydride.(PoliandSidt2002). Waterysanimportantrolein KEYWORDS:water,subduction,slab,mantle, ...
The water cycle at subduction zones remains poorly understood, although subduction is the only mechanism for water transport deep into Earth. Previous estimates of water flux1,2,3 exhibit large variations in the amount of water that is subducted deeper than 100 kilometres. The main source of unce...
The additional eddy-induced subduction can be regarded as the rectified transfer of a water mass from the mixed layer into the thermocline by an eddy-induced “bolus” velocity19. Recently, observations presented that subduction caused by an anticyclonic eddy (AE) is comparable in magnitude to ...
In subduction zones, part of the carbon is then thermally decomposed and returned to the atmosphere, while the remainder is subducted into the mantle. Outgassing of CO2 at mid-ocean ridges completes the cycle. Importantly, the rate of silicate weathering depends on the concentration of CO2 in ...
These processes include the subduction of subtropical water, equatorward geostrophic flow in the thermocline to the equatorial Pacific either through its interior or western boundary pathway, and upwelling at the equator48,50,51,52,53 (Fig. 4g). Subduction of South Pacific waters includes ...
The thermodynamic and elastic properties of brucite, Mg(OH)2, especially at high pressures and temperatures, are of great importance in mineralogy and geophysics because brucite itself plays a major role in mineral equilibria controlling water balance in the subduction zones of the Earth’s mantle,...
It is possible that the REY concentrations of the Zunyi Mn ores have been affected by several processes, including: (1) syn- and post-depositional processes; (2) the degree to which the REY were scavenged by particulate matter in the water column prior to deposition; and (3) also by othe...
The properties of monofilm water, thus, have considerable implications for the deep water properties of subduction zones generating major tremor and Mw 8+ earthquakes. Indeed, the combined effects of advective flow, ultrafiltration, diffusion, and diagenesis could provide a unifying explanation for the...
The oil column height of each block in the weathered volcanic crust is different because of the extreme heterogeneity of lithology, physical properties, and fracture distribution. The weathered volcanic crust has been divided into several fault-block oil reservoirs with differing oil–water contacts (...