The Transformersare back for the seventh movie in the live-action movie franchise withTransformers: Rise of the Machines. This time out, characters from the popular 1990s animated seriesBeast Wars, which was both a sequel and prequel to theoriginal 1980s animated series, join the action. Appropr...
198 Transformers: Animated 199 T.R.EX.C.I 200 Uncle Grandpa 201 Unikitty! 202 The Wacky World of Tex Avery 203 Wander Over Yonder 204 We Bare Bears 205 Whatever Happened to... Robot Jones? 206 Wish Kid 207 The World God Only Knows 208 World War Blue 209 Wotakoi: Love Is Hard for ...
Transformers: Music from the Original Animated Series Vinyl 变形金刚 G1动画 原声音乐黑胶大碟 已经在美亚预售,定价39.98美金,插画来自 Matt Ferguson,实物图更新!#变形金刚#
Presents a comprehensive, one-of-a-kind atlas to the amazing 2008 animated series universe. This volume is packed with over 400-pages of full-color bios, character models, episode summaries, interviews, and more.Jim SorensonBill ForsterMarcelo MatereVarious...
The Transformers,Animated Affiliation: Decepticons Function: Warrior Alternate Mode: F-15 Eagle Weapons: Heat-seeking missiles Strength: 7 Intelligence: 9 Speed: 10 Endurance: 7 Rank: 9 Courage: 9 Fireblast: 8 Skill: 8 Total: 67 Teleportationis a dangerous tool in the hands of a capable adve...
The Transformers September 17, 1984 11,216 votes The Transformers captivates children by blending intergalactic battles, advanced robotics, and deeply rooted moral themes. The show's enduring popularity lies in its iconic heroes and villains, as well as the lessons taught in friendship, teamwork, ...
Transformers: The Movie (Marvel Comics)(Alternate Retelling) Transformers: The Animated Movie(Alternate Retelling) Promotions The movie was advertised on related 1986 toy packages via theDecipher the DecepticonSweepstakes, which included a pack-in poster and contest. ...
The Transformers: The Movie(1986) Victor Brandt Professor Hamilton (voice) Neon Maniacs(1986) Ron Perlman Jax-Ur (voice) Hand of God(2014) Jim Cummings Phantom Zone Beast (voice) Winnie the Pooh(2011) MOVIEmeter Members only Become a member to access additional data ...
The album features music from seasons 1-3 of The Transformers animated series which debuted in 1984. Hasbro Studios Presents '80s TV Classics: Music from The Transformers features a mix of orchestral and ‘80s inspired synth tracks which have been remastered from the original tapes by composer ...
but he's usually loyal and generally good at directing his cranky ire toward Decepticons and Quintessons. (And maybe some Autobots once in a while.) Decorated to match the animation ofTransformers: The Movieand the original animated series, the robot is represented h...