Lander, E., Liker, J. KThe Toyota Production System and art: making highly customized and creative products the Toyota way, International Journal of Production Research, University of Michigan, USA....
The Toyota Production System is the philosophy and culture of Toyota on how they organize their processes, both in manufacturing and in other areas of their businesses. It is used within the Toyota group, most famously theToyota Motor Company, but also many other companies in their group, inclu...
The Toyota Production System, which is steeped in the philosophy of the complete elimination of all waste, embodies all aspects of production in pursuit of the most efficient methods, tracing back its roots to Sakichi Toyoda’s automatic loom. The TPS has evolved through many years of trial and...
~Taiichi Ohno, Father of the Toyota Production System “A bad system will beat a good person every time.” ~W. Edwards Deming “For much of Toyota’s history, we have ensured the quality and reliability of our vehicles by placing a device called an andon cord on every production line –...
丰田汽车在欧洲的生产系统:一个不同的故事 The Toyota Production System in Europe:a different story TheToyotaProductionSysteminEurope:adifferentstory TommasoPardi(CSU-CNRS-GERPISA)Towardsadynamicandcontextualisedanalysisofteamwork •MostoftheexistingliteratureonTPS,LeanProductionandSociotechnicalmodelstendstore...
a不受时间地点的限制 Not time place limit[translate] a反叛精神 反叛精神[translate] a合作可以节省时间和精力 正在翻译,请等待...[translate] aremenbering remenbering[translate] aThe Toyota Production System,Atlanta:Institute of 丰田产品系统,亚特兰大:学院[translate]...
The Toyota Production System (TPS) serves as the foundation for Lean Manufacturing. Let’s explore this powerful method for improving your processes. The Toyota Production System (TPS) is a manufacturing philosophy and a set of management practices developed by the Toyota Motor Corporation. It emp...
The Toyota Production SystemThis website contains a whole series of articles on the Toyota Way, customised for use in a service industry setting. It includes PDCA, Horenso, 5-why and visuals. The site also has downloadable tutorials, templates and tools for you to use. Kaizen Warping ...
The Toyota Way TheToyota Production System has long been seen as the basis of Leanand companies for decades have looked to the business practices and culture of Toyota to improve their own organization. The company published “The Toyota Way 2001” to summarize and clarify the methods that make...
丰田发明了 “精益生产”( lean production), 又名“丰田生产方式”( Toyota Production System, 简称 TPS), 在过去 10 年带动全球几乎所有产业进行变革, 采用 丰田的制造与供应链的管理理念与方法。 丰田生产方式是许多 探讨精益主题书籍的蓝本, 包括两本畅销书:《改变世界的企业经营体制: 精益生产的故事》...