1The Tower of London is ___ the Church tower.A.twice high thanB.two times as high asC.twice higher asD.three times the height of 2The Tower of London is ___ the Church tower.( )A. twice high thanB. two times as high asC. twice higher asD. three times the height of 3 ...
解析 B解析:The Tower of London(伦敦塔),位于泰晤士河北岸,伦敦塔桥附近,是伦敦著名的古迹之一。William the Conqueror(威廉一世)于11世纪为保卫和控制整个伦敦而建造了该塔,占地18英亩。经过历代君主的扩建和修整,整个建筑反映了英国不同朝代的建筑风格。
【答案】C 【答案解析】这题考查倍数的表达法,这里使用了“倍数+the+n+of”的表达法,句意是:伦敦塔的高度是教堂塔的3倍。
The Tower of London is a famous landmark and a magnificent structure, it's origins date as far back as the Roman Empire and the building is still in use today.
Located in central London, on the bank of the river Thames, the Tower of London is also known as Her Majesty’s Royal Palace and Fortress. This historic castle was founded at the end of 1066 as part of the Norman Conquest of England. William the Conqueror built the castle’s iconic Whit...
The phrase “sent to the Tower” came from the last use. It has also been used as a place of recording public information and watching space. Since 1303, it has become the home of the Crown Jewels of the United Kingdom. 1. Nowadays, people often call the Tower of London___. A. ...
1. B. the Tower 2. C. On the south bank of the River Thames. 3. B. The Tower of London is made up of two rings of high walls and a river round the Tower. 4. B. To tell people some information about the Tower of London. 伦敦塔简介 文章介绍了伦敦塔的历史和功能。伦敦塔是英国...
伦敦塔桥(Tower Bridge),是一座上开悬索桥,位于英国伦敦,横跨泰晤士河,因在伦敦塔(Tower of London)附近而得名,是从泰晤士河口算起的第一座桥(泰晤士河上共建桥15座),也是伦敦的象征。该桥始建于1886年,1894年6月30日对公众开放,将伦敦南北区连接成整体。伦敦塔桥是一座吊桥,最初为一木桥,后改...
伦敦塔 The Tower of London TheTowerofLonder Ⅰ.Introduction Ⅱ.History Ⅲ.Today HerMajesty'sRoyalPalaceandFortress,morecommonly knownastheTowerofLondon,isahistoriccastleonthenorthbankoftheRiverThamesincentralLondon,England.ItlieswithintheLondonBoroughofTowerHamlets,separatedfromtheeasternedgeofthesquaremileof...