Submitter Stats: Hallow Models Submitted 4,091 Games Submitted To 151 Largest Console (by Games) 3DS (50 games) Largest Console (by Models) 3DS (1,604 models) View By Console | Genre Biggest Contributions (291 models) (276 models) (245 models) Most Popular Models 1 Pokémon Sun / Moon...
Zwart, R.; van der Heijden, S.; Emmen, R.; Bentzen, J.D.; Ahrenfeldt, J.; Stoholm, P.; Krogh, J. Tar Removal from Low-Temperature Gasifiers, 2010. ECN Report. Available online: docs/library/reort/2010/e10008.pdf (accessed on 29 December 2015). © 2016...
Gill, J.K.; Savolainen, M.; Young, G.T.; Zwart, R.; Sher, E.; Millar, N.S. Agonist activation of α7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptors via an allosteric transmembrane site. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 2011, 108, 5867–5872. [CrossRef] [PubMed] 33. Yu, R.; Craik, D.J.; ...
Smith, S.M.; McCoy, T.; Gazda, D.; Morgan, J.L.L.; Heer, M.; Zwart, S.R. Space flight calcium: Implications for astronaut health, spacecraft operations, and Earth. Nutrients 2012, 4, 2047–2068. [CrossRef] [PubMed] 64. Manuscript, A.; Blood, W.; Count, C. Vitamin D ...
Faggiano, L.; Zwart, D.; García-Berthou, E.; Lek, S.; Gevrey, M. Patterning ecological risk of pesticide contamination at the river basin scale. Sci. Total Environ. 2010, 408, 2319–2326. [CrossRef] 46. Wehrens, R.; Buydens, L.M.C. Self-and super-organizing maps in r: The ...