This video circulates every year around Easter. Here's to it continuing to do so. Let the weight of the crucifixion break your heart and give you hope in the fact that Sunday actually came. The tomb was empty. The Savior had risen. Redemption had …[Continue reading] ...
The Tomb Is Empty - Early on the first day of the week, Mary Magdalene went to the tomb. It was still dark. She saw that the stone had been moved
The religious leaders in Jerusalem could have silenced the preaching of the resurrection immediately simply by displaying the dead body of Jesus. But there was no body for them to show. The tomb was empty. The Lord Jesus Christ is risen. He is the Savior, who said,"I am He who lives,...
Nonetheless, Jesus was in a very serious condition when he was removed from the cross, especially complicated by John's report of the spear wound in his chest.(5) On Saturday, Jesus' body was removed from the tomb, after which he regained consciousness briefly, but died shortly thereafter a...
ON the first day of the week, Mary of Magdala came to the tomb early in the morning, while it was still dark, and saw the stone removed from the tomb. So she ran and went to Simon Peter and to the other disciple whom Jesus loved, and told them, ?They have taken the Lord from ...
The tomb, likely a rock-cut tomb typical of the period, was located outside Jerusalem, aligning with Jewish burial customs. and found it just as the women had described.The women, including Mary Magdalene, Joanna, and Mary the mother of James, were the first to discover the empty tomb (...
John 19:37 And again another Scripture says, “They will look on him whom they have pierced.” The Fountain was opened for us, never to be closed. He is the Fountain which provides the cleansing, a cleansing of those who mourned of His death, a cleansing from sin and uncleanness. ...
That empty tomb is, itself, a declaration of independence. By raising Jesus from the dead, God declared him (and all who are in him) to be free from death, free from the curse, free from Satan’s accusation. I suppose you could say that Jesus was endowed by his Father with certain ...
With each newly found piece put in it’s proper place, the puzzle was moving closer to completeness. How encouraging it is to see the pieces all coming together making for a more “perfect” picture. The process reminds me of a few more scripture passages: 10 And after you have suffered...
Quran 4: 47: “Oh, you to whom the Scripture was given! Believe in what We have revealed to you about ‘Alī as a shining light (instead of: “confirming what you already had”).” Quran 4: 63: “God knows what is in their hearts; depart from them, for the Word of Woe is int...