舌尖现象(Tip of the tongue) 简写TOT,一种很常见的记忆暂时性抑制,应该不少人都遇到过,觉得答案就在嘴边但就是无论如何说不出来。通俗点来讲就是“脑壳短路了”。 舌尖现象的来源于一句口头语:avoir le mo...
这就是舌尖现象。舌尖现象在专有名词上发生的几率比较高。如“越南”+“首都”=?“河内”“国歌”+“作曲”=?“聂耳” ... 集思广益,大家可以探讨一下。两个双字词组合成问题,答案也是一个双字词。文学、地理、历史、艺术、科学等方面的常识,生活常识,都可以。赞 回应...
TOT现象(Tip-of-the-Tongue State),是日常生活中经常发生的现象,是指假如你不能想起某个单词,但是觉得自己知道它,并且感觉到它就在自己的嘴边,而且自己可能很快就会想起来,这就说明你正处在TOT 状态。本研究以大三、大四在校生为被试,运用词语释义诱发TOT现象,设计词频(3)×词性(3)×词长(3)三因素被试内实验,...
内容提示: Tip-of-the-tongue (TOT) states: retrieval, behavior,and experienceBennett L. Schwartz & Janet Metcalfe# Psychonomic Society, Inc. 2010Abstract The tip-of-the-tongue state (TOT) is the feelingthat accompanies temporary inaccessibility of an item that aperson is trying to retrieve. ...
The tip-of-the-tongue state (TOT) is the feeling that accompanies temporary inaccessibility of an item that a person is trying to retrieve. TOTs have been studied experimentally since the seminal work of Brown and McNeill ( 1966 ). TOTs are experiences that accompany some failed or slow ...
是的,你碰到的就是让人泪奔的TOT(Tip of thetongue phenomenon)现象.说360百科复杂点,这是“一种提取记忆提取失败的现象,表现为记忆已经逼近被完全回忆,却无法转化成为确切的词语表达出来出来。”说简单点,就是话在心头口难开的感觉……。 词条信息
The tip-of-the-tongue state (TOT) is the phenomenological experience that a target word is on the verge of being recalled. An illusory TOT occurs when a person experiences a TOT, but the actual target is either unavailable, forgotten, or never learned. Illusory TOTs were induced by asking ...
You have probably experienced the tip-of-the-tongue (TOT) state at some point. Chances are, when you have had a TOT, you have similarly sometimes had a sense of the word’s qualities, like how long the word was, what it sounded like, or what its first letter was. ...