5. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ponytail or https://no.wikipedia.org/ wiki/Hestehale_(frisyre). Retrieved March 21, 2020. 6. A social constructionist analysis of the body defies the binaries of nature/ culture, body/mind, and structure/agency that stifle sociological analyses (Smith & ...
He really has done an incredible job. It’s very different from the sort of predictable rubbish I churn out on a monthly basis. Sixteen tunes extending out slightly over 66 minutes. I really hope you like it. sk writes…… I recently wrote to JC asking him to give me a hint if I ...
When I hear of tings out there in da world ya should be hearin' of, I'll be lettin' ya know.To Shadow Hunter Kajassa and Shadow Hunter UkambeBe watchin' for any 'ting out of da ordinary. Remembah, try to not make the locals too angry. We gotta' keep a low profile 'til we ...
The Anglish Moot 2,511 pages Explore Wiki Content Community The Owl and the Nightingale Sign in to edit I was in a dale in springtime; in a greatly hidden nook, I heard an owl and a nightingale holding a great mooting. Their rake was reethed, tended and wholehearted, sometimes s...
加泰罗尼亚文 英文 The Prodigy +添加翻译 加泰罗尼亚文-英文字典 HeiNER - the Heidelberg Named Entity Resource 显示算法生成的翻译 将“The Prodigy"自动翻译成 英文 错误 Glosbe Translate 错误 Google Translate
Daar gaan we een (schuifpuzzel-) garage opleveren waarbij elke parkeerunit een eigen type 2 aansluiting heeft. Mooi systeem, maar: - wat zijn de kosten van al die apparatuur omgerekend per auto, vergeleken met de totale grondkosten van ons huidige, wat inefficienter systeem waarbij ...
In case you stillfearfor Apple's future, let me tell you that I fear they one day might get to much market share: 5-10% market share is all Apple will ever need! As long as Apple's market share is below 5%, Apple needs to fight for more. But if Apple's market share would eve...
See Wikipedia, "Maker culture," http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ Maker_culture, accessed October 13, 2014. "Biohacking" is the practice of engaging with biological research and application with a hacker ethic that is engaging in personal enhancement and research from a non- institutional ...
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Maynard_Smith > ***"money is a formal token of delayed reciprocal altruism" *** -... ### Yap, the island of stone money Another interesting form of m... Look up this source later. ### Fun fact: **Barter doesn't scale.** Imagine that ...
2Tingsare unobtainable: they are both "inside" the huge platform at the start of the level. Music World - Map 1 1Tingis unobtainable: it is on the right side of the bongo above the starting point. Notable glitch In the tenth map of theCave World, there are leftover instant-win collisi...