“Thus you shall say to the children of Israel, ‘I AM has sent me to you.’”Moreover God said to Moses, “Thus you shall say to the children of Israel: ‘YHWH the God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, has sent me to you. Thisi...
The Apostle Paul uses two didactic devices to highlight the danger and seriousness of consciously pursuing temptations: firstly, he uses the example of natural Israel during their wanderings in the desert; and secondly, he reminds us of the underlying meaning and significance of partaking of the c...
The gathering of Jesus and His disciples in the Upper Room would be His last time of instruction and outward display of love to them. Soon the disciples would be bereft of and ripped apart from their Savior via His crucifixion and death. ...
the edge of your seat from start to finish. This stunning material, which is derived from the corresponding volume in Tim's upcomingMessiah, History, and the Tribulation Periodseries of books, has changed the views of entire churches on the Tribulation Period and the timing of the coming ...
the people because Jesus had many followers in Jerusalem at the time of the Passover. Matthew's gospel clearly presents Jesus is in control of all the events regarding the timing of His betrayal and crucifixion. He is Lord even of the timing of His crucifixion and the events surrounding it...
No matter how long it takes, no matter what circumstances we’re in, as Nehemiah 8:10 says, “The joy of the Lord is my strength.” We grasp tightly to joy because it is a presence we encounter. As the German theologian, Moltmann puts it, “God weeps with us so that one day ...
Passover meal. The early Christians found the timing of Jesus' death very significant. It further convinced them to view his death as a sacrificial offering made to rescue them from slavery to sin, just as God had rescued the Hebrews from slavery to the Egyptians during the first Passover....
Similarly with Psalm 121. Verse 1 provides the question which must be answered by the second verse: “My help comes form the Lord, who made heaven and earth.” *** Marvels of the Universe from universetoday.com I love science and wrote a study book a few years ago about science and...
Pesach – Crucifixion Omer – Resurrection Shavuot – Holy Spirit Fall: Second Coming Trumpets – Tribulation (trouble + wrath= 7 years total) Atonement – Second Coming Tishri 11-14 – 4 day gap with nothing going on (3 ½ days would take up 4 calendar days) ...
Here’s the most interesting thing Taylor says: As we remember from the crucifixion story, it was made of one piece of cloth, not the usual two. Taylor explains: “One-piece tunics in first-century Judaea were normally thin undergarments or children’s wear. We shouldn’t think of ...