In week 3, Spiritual Death, we will explore the way dreams can at times present us with opportunities to let go of old habitual tendencies and identities. In some dreams we find ourselves at a threshold and to progress we must find confidence and courage to go into the unknown and potentia...
along the charles river. in the run up to the marathon, divoll raised $31,000 for the pediatric oncology research team at massachusetts general hospital. it is three times the amount she planned to raise. ”running gives me a place to feel angry,” she said. “but when you breathe ...
Physician associates and anaesthetic associates in UK: rapid systematic review of recent UK based research 3. Projections for prevalence of Parkinson’s disease and its driving factors in 195 countries and territories to 2050: modelling study of Global Burden of Disease Study 2021 4. Effect of ...
Ann Pizzorusso’s flamboyant recent declaration of the setting used in the background to the ‘Mona Lisa’ was reported widely from the USA in the New York Post, to Italy in the Corriere della Sera and in UK’s Guardian and even the Daily Mail – but she was merely giving further weigh...
Obituaries from the London Times, 1971-1975by RobertsGreenwood
Lisicky buys a porn magazine so he can read the obituaries in the back. For all its fun and frivolity, Provincetown is a place defined by death. It’s “a retirement community. Say, Sun City, Arizona, but for young men in their twenties and thirties.” Middle age—to say nothing of...
➢ If ever a journalist had a quote taken out of context and rehashed evermore, it was Maureen Cleave – The Times obituary, Nov 2021 ➢ Once the Beatles had become the most famous entertainers in the world, Cleave witnessed at first hand the destructive force of modern celebrity – Dai...
I am not good at obituaries, and who am I to write one anyway, so I’ll pass the word to David Gilmour, not only a colleague but also close friend of him. In the welter of arguments about who or what was Pink Floyd, Rick's enormous input was frequently forgotten. ...
The ACS is very sad to hear of the death of our dear friendPeter Wynne-Thomas, the leading cricket statistician and historian. A founder member of the Association, he served as our Secretary from 1974 to 2006. He was also Nottinghamshire CCC’s librarian, archivist and recent president. ...
41. When Colin’s nephew died, he expected residents to put obituaries in the local paper to the point that the newspaper had to hire extra staff. Bestwood came to a standstill to allow a horse-drawn cart to go through the town center (officer 10). Colin’s house was “almost like ...