《以色列时报》是一份以色列多语言在线报纸,成立于2012年,以英语为主要语言,同时提供希伯来语和阿拉伯语版本。报纸的内容涵盖以色列及中东地区的政治、经济、社会、文化、科技等诸多领域,旨在为全球读者提供关于以色列的准确、全面和深入的新闻报道和分析。为什么选择《以色列时报》1. 权威性与影响力 《以色列时报》具有...
国外媒体发稿强烈推荐以色列时报The Times of Israel 大舍传媒旨在为客户推荐国外高品质网络媒体,提供更专业的新闻发布会和公关服务。今日,我们应该给大家分享的是一家以色列的**媒体——《以色列时报》。 《以色列时报》《以色列时报》是一份以色列多语种线上报刊,创立于2012年,以英文为基本语言表达,与此同时提供希伯来...
网络释义 1. 以色列时报 根据以色列时报(The Times of Israel)引用自美联社消息指出,丹麦电视台 TV2 频道在 2 月 26 日的新闻报导中,将叙利亚的 … chinese.vr-zone.com|基于15个网页
Israeli army says it struck Syrian regime military sites in southern part of the country overnight(Haaretz) 4 hours ago Heads of 10 Israeli colleges: Attempt to fire AG ‘a call to dismantle the rule of law’(The Times of Israel)
The Times of Israel《以色列時報》報道,烏克蘭外交官表示,在以色列電視台洩密後,澤連斯基的訪問現在懸而未決。 烏克蘭總統澤連斯基確實計劃下週訪問以色列,但由於以色列第12 頻道的消息被洩露,這次訪問現...
The Times of Israel is your one-stop app for news, features, live coverage and more - on Israel, the Middle East and the Jewish world. Stay up to date with even…
Michael Laitman on theTimes of Israel: “Human Synchronicity (The Metronome Effect)” The metronome effect provides a striking parallel to the complex tapestry of human interaction and interconnectedness. After multiple metronomes are randomly set in motion, they eventually synchronize on the same puls...
Nestyev, Israel (1960). Prokofiev. Stanford: Stanford University Press. Nevo, Ruth (1972). Tragic Form in Shakespeare. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. ISBN 0-691-06217-X. "Weekender Guide: Shakespeare on The Drive". The New York Times. 19 August 1977. p. 46. "balcony". Oxfo...
The Times of Israel is your one-stop app for news, features, live coverage and more - on Israel, the Middle East and the Jewish world. Stay up to date with even…
Nazareth is a historic city of Lower Galilee, in northern Israel; it is the largest Arab city of the country. In the New Testament Nazareth is associated with Jesus as his boyhood home, and in its synagogue he preached the sermon that led to his rejectio