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The obits. It’s the first section many of us turn to when we open the paper, not to see who died, but rather to find out about who lived to discover the interesting lives of people who’ve made a mark.A new annual that collects nearly 300 of the best of The New York Times ...
Lawrence R. Velvel
obit (redirected fromobits) Thesaurus Legal o·bit (ō′bĭt, ō-bĭt′) n.Informal An obituary. [Middle English,death, record of date of death, from Old French,death, from Latinobitus; seeobituary.] American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright ©...
World of Warcraft Classic – Season of Discoveryarrivedwith the promise of rogue and mage tanks.We jumped in and started looking for runes, which was easier for some classes than others. Itseemed like a work in progressat times. We were, as usual, trying to sort outwho was in which role...
4); the complete set of times series is included in Supplementary Note 2 (Supplementary Figs. 1–17). Finally, Fig. 5 illustrates the highly resolved time series of MPB after George Floyd’s murder. Fig. 2: Time series of media coverage of police brutality. Daily number of news articles...
No longer do you have to subscribe to multiple newspapers, search the web for death notices in multiple cities or search out funeral home websites to find the obits that are important to you. Many of us rely on obituaries to let us know when a distant family member or friend has passed...
But desperate times lead to desperate measures, and after a particularly stinging bit of news, Allison hatches a plan to take back her life—by taking her husband’s.Kevin Can F**k Himself(which hits its sitcom beats almosttoowell) is ambitious and experimental, and it’s far more than ...
By ICPCNews, 11 months ago, Hello, Codeforces! The ICPC Challenge World Finals in Luxor is approaching for some of you, and we are delighted to provide an additional exciting opportunity to compete open to all! We are happy to invite you to the 2023 Post World Finals Online ICPC ...
tr.v. bit·ted, bit·ting, bits 1. To place a bit in the mouth of (a horse, for example). 2. To check or control with or as if with a bit. 3. To make or grind a bit on (a key).Idiom: have/take the bit in one's teeth To be uncontrollable; cast off restraint. [...