In the most general sense, the phrasetime value of moneyrefers to the fact that a dollar in hand is worth more than a dollar promised at some time in future. It means a cash flow (or cash flows) has different values at different time points. On a practical level, one reason for this...
1. The time value of money refers to the concept that: Answer: d.A future amount should be preferred... View the full answer Step 2 Unlock Step 3 Unlock Answer Unlock Previous questionNext question Not the question you’re looking for?
Investopedia上关于TVM的例子解读(本篇例子来源于这里):Understanding The Time Value Of Money 薛兆丰老师的学生发在豆瓣上的关于利息理论的课堂笔记:经济学原理 张五常教授《经济解释》中对利息理论的观点:豆瓣有付费电子书。 === 欢迎关注我个人维护的公众号 【理财牛】 (licainiu365) 虽然名为理财牛,实际内容方...
货币的时间价值是指当前所持有的一定量货币比未来获得的等量货币具有更高的价值,这是因为货币具有潜在的收益能力。利率反映了不同时间点现金流的关系,是衡量投资回报的一个重要指标。利率的应用包括:要求回报率、折现率和机会成本。利率的拆解包括名义利率、无风险利率和风险溢价。名义利率由无风险利率和...|基于51个网页 3. 货币时间价值 一、货币时间价值(the time value of money) 简而言之,是指今天的一元钱比将来的一元 钱更具价值。 基本表现形式 复利终值 …|基于15个网页 更多释义 例句
A. The concept of money having different values at different times. B. The concept of money having the same value at all times. C. The concept of money having no value over time. D. The concept of money having a fixed value regardless of time. ...
Chapter 3 The Time Value of Money 货币的时间价值Basic Concept 基本概念Interest 利息 Money paid(earned) for the use of moneyFuture Value/Terminal Value 终值 现在的一笔钱或一系列支付款按给定的利率计算所得到的在未来某个时点的价值Present Value 现值 未来的一笔钱或一系列支付款按照给定的利率计算所...
Compared with interest, interest rate is a better indicator to measure the time value of money. It makes the time value of money in various credit activities comparable to each other. A.正确 B.错误 点击查看答案 多项选择题 政府预算的内涵可以从( )几方面理解。
The future value of a sum of money today is calculated by multiplying the amount of cash by a function of the expected rate of return over the expected time period. The time value of money is used to make strategic, long-term financial decisions such as whether to invest in a project or...