It has a sweet Champagne aftertaste, that lingers in your mouth for a long time. The fragrance is uniquely floral. マスカテルフレーバーのフルボディな味わいと,フローラルな香り 口の中に長く残るシャンパンのような甘い余韻 1,650 Assam アッサム From Cherideo Purbat Estate in the ...
At the time of temporary facilities for drainage guttation the draining collection hose, and with respect to floor throb of the floor of the placing being completed of the building possess the flexibiility which is connected to the perforation hole which is provided in floor throb of the ......
机译:骨料组织对高强度马丁钢机械特异性聚结的影响 作者:Kitsuya Shigeki;大坪浩文;藤田昇輝;木津谷茂樹;Hase Kazukuni 期刊名称:《鉄と鋼/Journal of the Iron and Steel Institute of Japan.》 | 2018年第5期 99.焼結返し鉱の冷間塊硬化技術 机译:烧结矿石的冷肿块固化技术 作者:Ogasawara Yasushi;小...
THIS IS THE TIME(作詞:MEG.ME Rap:植原卓也 作曲:Elliott Brothers / Stefan Ekstedt 編曲:篤志) With You(作詞:MEG.ME 作曲:D-SHARP/MUSOH 編曲:JUNKOO/ MUSOH) PARTY RIDE(作詞:フジノタカフミ 作曲:浅川岳史《FLOW》 編曲:浅川岳史《FLOW》) Butterfly(作詞:AnDisM Rap:植原卓也 作曲:GoldDust...