【求物】The Th..不,根杀龙后没关系。。。我在找达玛拉相关,这本书里有zhengyi的内容,需要看(这个鬼巫妖资料很少,被迫看模组我记得有人下过,所以求一下,然后真的没找到这本,血石径之类的bs模组都有,就没这本
From the mad Malachite throne in Rauxes to the bejeweled city of Chendl in Furyondy, the Flanaess is at war! In the east, Overking Ivid V thirsts for conquest. Vatun, Great God of the North, meanwhile unites the barbarians and Fists into a fearsome force. Not to be outdone, the...