因为DevOps 源自草根,缺乏自上而下的理论支撑,所以如何定义 DevOps 成了 DevOps 社区里面的一个大难题。 一些DevOps 从业者,纷纷设定自己的 DevOps 框架。其中比较有名的框架有Damon Edwards 所定义并被 Jez Humble(持续交付作者之一) 所修订的CALMS,和 Gene Kim 所定义的 The Three Ways。 The Three Ways T...
The concept of the Three Ways is introduced by a mysterious all-knowing character in the book named Erik Reid. It provides the other characters with a framework for implementingDevOpsand building a culture in which people, process and technology are aligned and working towards the same goal: pr...
this is the percent of Complete/Accurate work items received from the previous step in the Value Stream Map. Large call to action headline In the book The Phoenix Project: A Novel about IT, DevOps, and Helping Your Business Win, the authors mention “The 3 Ways” as principles that they...
João Miranda
Security is paramount.It’s vital that security be confirmed continuously throughout the process, that applications are safe, and that data stays secure and private. Here are just a few of the ways that DevOps and an automated pipeline can work with CD to improve s...
What people are saying about The DevOps Way : “This is a great course that comes straight from a true pillar of the London DevOps and Enterprise Agility community. I highly recommend it to anyone looking to understand the DevOps movement, the key principles, and how to put them into pra...
All three applications run on both servers. In the simple case where an App Service Plan has a single server, it’s simple to understand: All of the applications in the App Service Plan run on a single server. It’s somewhat less intuitive as to what happens when there are multiple ...
There are three methods you can use to avoid using autobinding:Don't connect the item to corresponding stages. When the items aren't connected in the same stage, deployment pipelines keeps the original connection. For example, if you have a report in the development stage of pipeline B that...
There are many ways to deploy apps to App Service, including with Azure Pipelines. You can use existing Azure Pipelines templates to quickly build a CD pipeline for your app. The App Service Deploy task provides a variety of standard features such as deploying to specific App Service slots, ...
Learn the underpinning theory with this Lean Manufacturing and Agile primer, as well as the broader principles of the Three Ways—the principles from which all of the observed DevOps behaviors can be derived. New Content Explore the new and updated content in the 2nd Edition, a must for previ...