因为DevOps 源自草根,缺乏自上而下的理论支撑,所以如何定义 DevOps 成了 DevOps 社区里面的一个大难题。 一些DevOps 从业者,纷纷设定自己的 DevOps 框架。其中比较有名的框架有Damon Edwards 所定义并被 Jez Humble(持续交付作者之一) 所修订的CALMS,和 Gene Kim 所定义的 The Three Ways。 The Three Ways T...
In this blog post, I talk about the “Three Ways,” which are the principles that all of the DevOps patterns can be derived from, which we’re using in bothThe DevOps HandbookandThe Phoenix Project: A Novel About IT, DevOps, and Helping Your Business Win. We assert that the Three W...
The concept of the Three Ways is introduced by a mysterious all-knowing character in the book named Erik Reid. It provides the other characters with a framework for implementingDevOpsand building a culture in which people, process and technology are aligned and working towards the same goal: pr...
In the bookThe Phoenix Project: A Novel about IT, DevOps, and Helping Your Business Win, the authors mention “The 3 Ways” as principles that they have found involved in all successful DevOps practicing organizations. I will briefly cover them and we can go into more detail in future art...
Everything Sysadmin
What Is DevOps?– Understand the meaning of DevOps and why you might care about it. DevOps Core Values: CAMS– Culture, Automation, Measurement, and Sharing are the core values of DevOps. DevOps Principles: The Three Ways– The Three Ways can guide your strategic approach to DevOps. ...
VS在“三个方法”(The Three Ways)中的体现,以及相关的可视化、WIP、单件流、限制理论、浪费等概念 如何选取合适的产品/项目进行VSM分析及启动DevOps转型。书中介绍了Green Field和Brown Field两种类型的项目,SoR和SoE系统(Gartner的分类),以及应该选取正确项目的思考。
The Three Ways Learn the underpinning theory with this Lean Manufacturing and Agile primer, as well as the broader principles of the Three Ways—the principles from which all of the observed DevOps behaviors can be derived. New Content
At the end of each workday, everyone is required to draw a picture of their face in one of three modes: Happy face Blah face Sad face The Smiley Board is also called the Niko-Niko Calendar (or Smiley Calendar). It is a Japanese creation where each member shall put a smile on his ...
What people are saying about The DevOps Way : “This is a great course that comes straight from a true pillar of the London DevOps and Enterprise Agility community. I highly recommend it to anyone looking to understand the DevOps movement, the key principles, and how to put them into pra...