Disney Plus recently started streaming the show, but they’ve added a disclaimer at the start of 18 episodes: “This programme includes negative depictions and/or mistreatment of people or cultures. These stereotypes were wrong then and are wrong now.” After the disclaimer, each episode in que...
The Marvel Cinematic Universe has continued its dominance on the big screen by reaching out to the small one too, producing multiple Disney Plus shows a year that almost all share continuity with the MCU movies.Being in a world where there are Marvel TV shows may not seem that unlikely for...
It's an extremely funny and silly show, with more slapstick than The Three Stooges in a rake factory, but it’s also poignant and offers an unusual, interesting take on the experiences of women in the US after the feminist movement of the ‘70s. It also looks fabulous, particularly in 4...
Plus, find out which titles are leaving so you can catch them before they’re gone. For even more must-watch streaming, be sure to check out ET's guides on everything new coming to Prime Video, Disney+, and our recommendations for what to watch this week! Let the binge begin. G...
The Three Stooges (NES) Three Wonders Thundercade (NES) Thunder Dragon Thunder Dragon 2 Thunder Force AC - remake of Thunder Force III (Genesis) ThunderJaws Tiger-Heli (NES) Tiger Road Toki Tokio - also known as Scramble Formation (J) (MSX) Toobin' (NES) Tough Turf Tournament Arkanoid Th...
Rainn Wilson getting hit in the face or the privates gets funnier each time it tries it. When he's living at his sister's house early on in the film, it seems to be designed for him to hit his head or fall backwards over something, almost as if The Three Stooges had built the ...
one of the worst Presley films. Though it’s helmed by frequent Elvis formula pic director Norman Taurog, the screenplay itself is a bomb. The writing is sillier and the gags are cornier than usual. Scenes with three bumbling policemen—echoes of The Three Stooges—are even painful to watch...
(1989, CC3, Game Point) Z-89 (1989, CC3, Game Point) Zaxxon-like Marty's Nightmare (1990, CC3, CocoPro) The Rocketeer (1991, SNES, Disney) Captain Planet (1992, GEN, Sega) Bass Masters Classic, w/Bob Polaro (1995, SNES, THQ) Bass Masters Classic Pro, w/Bob Polaro (1996, ...
the fact that Raimi and Campbell had begun their career alternating between horror shorts and Three Stooges knockoffs paid massive dividends: this is without doubt the most successful blend of horror and comedy, and a classic in either field. The breakthrough moment comes midway, as Campbell’s...
3, the concluding adventure in the Guardians Trilogy (plus the Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special, on Disney+) and the Marvel Universe swansong of writer/director James Gunn, who’s now in charge of guiding the superfolk of the DC Cinematic Universe to hopefully the same level of ...