Invisible Diversity: The Many Shapes of Bacteria Bacteria are amazing. They were the first form of life to appear on Earth almost 3.8 billion years ago. They make up the second most abundant lifeform, only outweighed by plants. And most interesting of all: they exist in practically every env...
What are the three classifications of bacteria?BacteriaBacteria are very small i.e. microscopic organisms (microoorganisms), classified under Kingdom Monera, and are both unicellular and prokaryotic. While some bacteria are considered to be beneficial, for instance: in that comprise intestinal flora...
BACTERIA WHAT IS BACTERIA – a single celled organism that is a prokaryote THREE BASIC SHAPES OF BACTERIA ARE ROD-LIKE SPHERICAL SPIRAL. 1. Bacterial cells were first discovered in the late 1600's by Anton van Leewenhoek. How did he discover them? He took scrapings from his teeth!! Bacte...
Bacteroidota are ecologically important for the proper functioning of soil; therefore, it is surprising that scientific reports on the abundance and diversity of these bacteria are very limited, and Bacteroidota are usually described in analyses of other groups of microorganisms (Wolińska et al., 201...
Aedes aegypti, the main arboviral mosquito vector, is attracted to human dwellings and makes use of human-generated breeding sites. Past research has shown that bacterial communities associated with such sites undergo compositional shifts as larvae develop and that exposure to different bacteria during...
Phytoplankton biomass consists of considerable proportions of polysaccharides, substantial parts of which are rapidly remineralized by heterotrophic bacteria. We analyzed the diversity, activity, and functional potential of such polysaccharide-degrading bacteria in different size fractions during a diverse ...
a detailed understanding of plant–microbe and microbe–microbe interactions is necessary. Among interactions within the plant microbiota, those between bacteria are the most common ones; they are not only of ecological importance but also essential for maintaining the health and productivity of the hos...
E. Nutritional interactions in insect–microbial symbioses: aphids and their symbiotic bacteria Buchnera. Annu. Rev. Entomol. 43, 17–37 (1998). CAS PubMed Google Scholar Segata, N. et al. The reproductive tracts of two malaria vectors are populated by a core microbiome and by gender-and...
By nature, humans are inquisitive animals: this is the foundation of scientific investigation. However, we sometimes have difficulty in comprehending, and therefore interpreting, the data; this is especially true when working with systems much different
Destination shapes antibiotic resistance gene acquisitions, abundance increases, and diversity changes in Dutch travelers Antimicrobial-resistant bacteria and their antimicrobial resistance (AMR) genes can spread by hitchhiking in human guts. International travel can exacerbate this public health threat when tr...