1925. The Northern Tribes of Nigeria: An Ethnographical account of the Northern provinces, Oxford university press, London.xxvii C. K. Meek, The Northern Tribes of Nigeria: An Ethnographical account of the Northern Provinces of Nigeria together with a report on 1921 decennial census, London: ...
Nigeria is a country in the Western part of Africa. It is one of the earliest countries to be exposed to European influence. There are three major tribes, Igbos, Yorubas and Hausas. Social status in the world in very important, It is portrayed in different forms. However, it is cruciall...
In the following pages the various sections of the British Empire outside Gt. Britain and Northern Ireland are arranged in alphabetical order under the divisions of the world to which they belong :—1. Europe; 2. Asia; 3. Africa; 4. America; 5. Australas
图书Notes on the Tribes, Provinces, Emirates and States of the Northern Provinces of Nigeria; 介绍、书评、论坛及推荐
The Great Wall of China was built, rebuilt, and maintained between the 5th century BC and the 16th century to protect the northern borders of the Chinese Empire from the attacks of nomadic tribes from the north. Several walls have been built that were referred to as the Great Wall. One of...
Moses is the correct answer because he played a significant role in uniting the Hebrew tribes into a single nation. As the leader of the Israelites, he led them out of slavery in Egypt and guided them through the wilderness for 40 years. He received the Ten Commandments from God and establ...
Today, the first three groups are the most numerous. They represent about 30,000 individuals living on French soil, and are widely present along the Maroni River and in major cities (Fig. 1). They are an essential component of the large melting-pot of this region, in which several other...
the distribution of religion can be broken down into three major areas: Christians, Muslims, and animists. In Nigeria, 47 percent of the population practice Islam, while about 36 percent practice Christianity, and 17 percent practice animism or traditional African religion. Nigeria's national flag,...
“The Igbo language (also known, less commonly as Ibo) is an African language, spokenin several African countries including Nigeria, Equatorial Guinea and Congo amongothers. It belongs to the ‘Benue-Congo’ family of languages, which is a subgroup of the major‘Niger-Congo’ family of langua...