《三体》书评(英文)Book Review _ The Three-Body Problem, 视频播放量 1129、弹幕量 0、点赞数 9、投硬币枚数 2、收藏人数 20、转发人数 5, 视频作者 Carol英文好资源, 作者简介 这里有许多英文好资源,可以用来自学、教学、拓展知识使用,好的内容常有,聚合起来更有吸
很速度的看完了 中文版看的电子书,囫囵吞枣的看的,最讨厌看前几章。作为一个中国人,我不合格,对那段历史既不了解也不感兴趣。看英文版的时候拿着书,反而看得认真了点,对叶文洁也更加了解了。中文版关于文化 大革命的很多专属词汇一直无法理解,看英文版就好懂多了。这大概也是我喜欢看英文菜单的缘故。看中文菜...
<The Three-body Problem> ——《三体》英文版封面自06年在《科幻世界》上看连载版,《三体一·地球往事》已看过多遍。这是首次看英文版。翻译得很棒,如译者 LIU Ken 在后记中所言,他忠实的翻译做到了信达雅,尽可能地让英文读者领略了蕴含在大刘笔下的中国文化,汉语韵律,及中国人的行止。In translating, my ...
The way they recruit in the book is, there’s a virtual reality game called Three Body. Those who play it unravel the nature of Trisolaris, after which they are asked to come to a meeting in real life, where they are asked their opinion on humanity and whether it would be a good i...
Those problems didn’t hinder my enjoyment of the book however. The eleven dimensional mirror and its ilk did. I am a bit wary of what’s to come in the next two books of the trilogy. The speculative scientific fantasy in which Cixin Liu dabbles in The Three-Body Problem is now ...
At first he doesn*t see how he fits the mold, but as the investigation progresses he gets caught up in the three body problem.本书在叶Wenjie和汪Miao的经历之间穿梭。汪是一名研究纳米材料的应用物理学家,他被拖进许多著名科学家自杀的调查。起先他无所适从,但随着调查的进展,他撞上了三体问题。
The Three-Body Problem Ep. 15 is the goofiest episode of them all, but it features a whole country of people turned into a living computer.
The Three-Body Problemis a hard science fiction novel, rife with exposition.This has the potential to be very good, or very bad. You do not need to be a physicist to read or enjoy this book, but if you do not like science, math, puzzles, or lengthy discussion about such things, you...
There's much to talk about in The Three-Body Problem E28, we split our review into two, first with revelations about the alien invasion cult.
The Three-Body Problem的书评。 英文版期待了很久,一出就马上入了,可是一直拖拖拖到这个假期才看完。一方面是language barrier,一方面是翻成英文怎么这么厚一本,看起来也没有中文那种一夜一本的激情了。不过另一方面,看到各种down wit...