On March 30, 2003 the Hallmark Channel will reair the television program 'The Thorn Birds,' the 1983 saga of forbidden love that is still the second-highest rated miniseries ever (behind Roots). The actress from the...
the Extra-Terrestrial showcase the genre’s enduring magic. The Goonies follows a group of friends on a high-stakes treasure hunt, blending camaraderie and danger. How to Train Your Dragon brings a visually stunning world of dragons to life, exploring themes of trust and unlikely friendships...
Born in Allentown, Pennsylvania in 1986, DeHann was named after the priest character from the hugely popular dramatic book and mini-series The Thorn Birds. He took an interest in acting as a child, memorably playing the role of Toto in a theater camp production of "The Wizard of ...
One only has to think of the romance genre for Danielle Steel’s name to immediately spring to mind. With an arsenal of silk-stocking protagonists and life-changing crises up her sleeve, Steel has mastered the formula for the perfect love story, with all the twists and turns yo...Read po...
Abyss of a certain form of literature always implies a general dilemma of the literature, the breakthrough of a certain genre writing is also can be seen as a certain breakthrough of the literary circle’s development, especially in the age when the internal image is popularized, and the soc...
Wes Craven, David Lynch and Dario Argento Help Evolve the Horror Genre It was a major year for horror — at least in terms of influence, if not necessarily the box office. Wes Craven, who'd later cement his icon status with 'A Nightmare on Elm Street,' directed his first major film ...
Even though reggae’s influence on popular music had already been felt in the early ‘70s, the genre expanded its mainstream reach when Bob Marley released his ‘Exodus’ album in June 1977. The LP was the singer’s first release since an assassin’s attempt on his life in December 1976....
Wes Craven, David Lynch and Dario Argento Help Evolve the Horror Genre It was a major year for horror — at least in terms of influence, if not necessarily the box office. Wes Craven, who'd later cement his icon status with 'A Nightmare on Elm Street,' directed his first major film ...
Even though reggae’s influence on popular music had already been felt in the early ‘70s, the genre expanded its mainstream reach when Bob Marley released his ‘Exodus’ album in June 1977. The LP was the singer’s first release since an assassin’s attempt on his life in December 1976....
Speaking of reading and mind control, I think it really depends on the book’s genre. To describe a particular genre, I think books about self-help would be the most prominent to help me find myself. Recently, I read a book called “The Art of Happiness” by Dalai Lama and Howard C...