After Quark lies about killing a Klingon in his bar, the dead man's widow abducts Quark to the Klingon homeworld to marry him. Quark and Rom are gloomily looking over the practically deserted bar. With the recent bellicose threats from the Dominion, many
Cadet Nog, since his superior hearing will allow him to relay orders from the bridge to engineering easily regardless of how hectic things may be. The Defiant finally gets underway, after a difficult departure which includes nearly colliding with one of DS9's lower pylons. With several tests...
To find the Founders and convince them that the Federation isn’t a threat. Things get dicey rather quickly, with Part 1 ending with Dax and O’Brien left behind on a random relay station, the Defiant thoroughly defeated, and Sisko & co. in the hands of the Jem’Hadar. What does Odo ...
As Gene Roddenberry's long-time right-hand man, for 15 years Richard was "there" for all things Star Trek and Roddenberry during this time. The world's leading expert on Star Trek, Richard will be doing a two-part presentation during the weekend celebrating classic Trek's pilot film, THE...
the idea that he was always testing humanity was a great theme, and once again inAll Good Things, he puts Jean Luc Picard through a trio of trials in the past, present and future. It’s a superbly written, acted and directed finale and possibly one of the best final episodes of a lo...
But never mind. We've got two hours of this series left, and this episode works as primer on some fronts and closure on others. It's a winner—even as a Ferengi show. Next week: All good things must come to an end. Previous episode:Extreme Measures ...
For all its issues, there is something heartbreaking in What You Leave Behind. There is a sense that this is truly the end of the line, that things have changed and the world keeps right on spinning. We all need a little space… Continue reading → Filed under: Deep Space Nine | Tagg...
This episode explores the re-imagined Trill culture, which as we have mentioned before, was reset for DS9 and takes very little from the original episode TNG’sThe Host.It does a few key things. The main thing is it explores a little about the Trill process of symbiosis. We find out ...
moving details that it soars to new heights of storytelling. Through this, we see many new things about Sisko and Jake—about their lives and their relationship. Above all, this episode stresses the bond between a father and a son, and contains family issues that many people can relate to....
- the history channel is a basic cable network famous for having more shows about things like ducks, truckers, and lumberjacks know...history.- "pineapple express" is a reference to a recent seth rogen/james franco stoner comedy.- "jolly fats wehawkin" is a name taken from ...