20 The Things They Carried Quotes From the Hit Novel Fans of historical fiction will enjoy theseThe Things They Carriedquotes about soldiers from the Vietnam War. The Things They Carriedis a novel comprising a collection of short stories about a platoon of US soldiers in the Vietnam War. The...
《The Things They Carried》是美国作家蒂姆·奥布莱恩(Tim O’Brien)的一部短篇小说集,于1990年出版。这本书描述了越战期间美国士兵的经历,以及他们在战争中所承受的负担。书中的故事描述了士兵们在战场上所经历的恐惧、痛苦和悲伤,以及他们在战争中所承受的负担。书中的故事也描述了士兵们在战场...
The things they carried on aboutGreg Jaffe
TheThingsTheyCarried AcollectionofrelatedstoriesaboutaplatoonofAmericansoldiersintheVietnamWaroriginallypublishedin1990.Eventhoughthecharactersarebasedonaworkoffiction,theyshowsimilaritiestorealsoldiersthatO'Brienknewinthewar.OneattributeinO'Brien'sworkistheblurbetweenfictionandreality. Listofshort...
However, The Things They Carried is a story that records the experience of the narrator O'Brien during the Vietnam War, and the impact on individuals including himself from war. The memories they got from the war and how these things affected them and their life after the war. O'Brien ...
The Things They Carried 作者: Tim O'Brien 出版社: Penguin原作名: The Things They Carried出版年: 1991-7-25页数: 288定价: GBP 4.99装帧: PaperbackISBN: 9780140147735豆瓣评分 9.1 24人评价 5星 58.3% 4星 20.8% 3星 20.8% 2星 0.0% 1星 0.0% ...
Read about the novel "The Things They Carried" by Tim O'Brien. Explore the novel’s themes, historical context and what was literally and figuratively carried.Updated: 11/21/2023 The Things They CarriedSummary The Things They Carriedis a collection of interrelated stories byTim O'Brienproviding...
你好[鲜花],《The Things They Carried》第10章是一本关于越战的小说,作者是蒂姆·奥布莱恩。在这一章中,故事的主要角色们正在越南战场上进行战斗。他们背负着沉重的行李,其中包含了各种个人物品和战争所需的装备。这些物品代表了他们的个人身份和回忆,同时也成为了他们在战争中的精神支持。通过描述...
作者Tim O'Brien系越战老兵,根据亲历会议著有多部越战题材小说,并曾被改编成电影,《Going After Cacciato》曾获美国国家图书奖,The Things They Carried中译本为《士兵的重负》。本诗经由PBS纪录片《越南战争The Vietnam War》第十集最后一段字幕译出,原诗文字版本出处尚不清楚。