IdreadthatImayneverseeyouagain.2.n.:greatfear;thingthatisgreatlyfearede.g.:Shehasadreadofhospitals.Povertyismanypeople'sconstantdread.PART1 Languagepoints •dreadDerivation:dreadful(adj.)1.causinggreatfearorsuffering;shockinge.g.:adreadfulaccident,disease,nightmare ...
"Baby, I'm going to build you a whole new thing down there, and then I'll try it out personally. It will be a medical first, I'll be able to write a paper on it for the official journals."Jules
But if at one time he could not use them, then he could not use them at another; therefore, it must have been because he would not; however, since time does not exist for God, if we agree that he willed a thing once, then he has always willed it, and from the beginning. 牛津英...
ive grown accostumed ive had enough of you ive had everything in ive had the rest of y ive listend so abunda ive looked into this ive met the perfect w ive never felt so col ive never kissed his ive never loved anyon ive only ever dreamt ive read about but id ive seen rivers ris...
C.Theyhaveconvenientpublictransportation. D.They?regoodtravelchoicesforsavingmoney. B Hotdogs,peanuts,anorderlygreenfield:Sal Miyakeloveseverythingaboutherfirstbaseball game—alovesharedbyauthorScottSimonasa kidatWrigleyFieldinChicago,Illinois. SalisthemaincharacterinSimon?sfirstkids novel,SunnysidePlaza.Tocreat...
thing that drops or i thing that you scare thing things are done by pe things are seldom wha things do not own a p things get very frust things go well things have been easy things have changed things investigated g things make sense things second things started moving things that i cant...
These two had great difficulty in thinking anything out for themselves, but having once accepted the pigs as their teachers they absorbed everything that they were told, and passed it on to the other animals by simple arguments. They were unfailing in their attendance at the secret meetings in...
There was one thing that much aided me in renewing and recreating the stalwart soldier of the Niagara frontier-the man of true and simple energy. It was the recollection of those memorable words of his-“I'll try, sir! ”-spoken on the very verge of a desperate and heroic enterprise, ...
He had never seen a dog go mad, nor did he have any reason to fear madness; yet he knew that here was horror, and fled away from it in a panic. Straight away he raced, with Dolly, panting and frothing, one leap behind; nor could she gain on him, so great was his terror, ...
equip yourself with everything that you’ll need in the future. 拓展: equip…for/to do sth. equipment n.装备,设备(不可数名词) office equipment办公设备 a piece of equipment一件设备(注意不说an equipment) 考点例题: every classroom in some schools ___(equip) a computer for the convenience ...