In films such as Stranger than Fiction and Everything Must Go, he demonstrated his range as an actor, proving he could deliver powerful performances beyond the realm of comedy. Off-screen, Ferrell is known for his philanthropy, notably co-founding the charity "Cancer for College,"...
The Movie Quiz: Who has yet to play the title character in a Marvel Cinematic Universe feature? Plus: Who has never held the record as the oldest ever winner of best actor Oscar? Fri Mar 29 2024 - 05:00 Jeremy Renner on recovery from snowplough incident: ‘I had so many things to fi...
In 2022, it would be hard to cast for a movie or series without nabbing at least one actor from one of the dozens of Marvel projects that have spawned in the past two decades. So it's no surprise the recent Netflix filmThe Adam Projectwas loaded with them. The actors range from tho...
Rumor: Marvel Studios Has Made Offer To An A-List Actor To Play Trickshot In Hawkeye Season 2 1/5/2025 Disney+ Despite Recent Shake-Ups, Lucasfilm Is Reportedly Still Working on a ‘Knights of the Old Republic’-Set Series ...
Since this is a Black Mirror film, though, everything goes crazy as the audience is given the ability to direct the protagonist's actions, turning the movie into a choose-your-own-adventure experience. The many forking twists of the film mean that its advertised 90 minute run time can ...
The Fantastic Four: First Steps: Ebon Moss-Bachrach on The Thing’s iconic catchphrase and getting help from the godfather of motion-capture 1/9/2025 by Kevin Fraser Black Panther: More Details On Plans To Recast T'Challa; At Least One Actor Reportedly Turned Down The Role ...
He plays Lars, an Icelandic man-child who's obsessed with the Eurovision Song Contest (which is a real thing!). Along for the ride is his childhood friend Sigrit (Rachel McAdams). When they finally get the chance to compete, will Lars' single-minded focus on winning ruin his ...
The movie towers over most others by its sheer scope, unbridled ambition and elegant artistic vision, like the massive, concrete, steel and granite construction project at its core—an achievement designed not just for the present, but a thing to be admired far into the future. The Brutalist ...
According to Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige, there are already big plans to explore the FF and their mythology in the MCU. “Fantastic Four is the foundation for everything that came after in the comics,” said Feige while speaking withEW. “There’s certainly been versions of it [on...
Marvel Rivals has recaptured the silliness of Overwatch's first beta, and it's all thanks to the beefy boys Meet The Angriest Dog in the World: David Lynch's bizarre, long-running weekly comic strip Avatar 3 release date, cast, story, and everything else you need to know New haunted...