The Thing from Another World: Directed by Christian Nyby, Howard Hawks. With Margaret Sheridan, Kenneth Tobey, Robert Cornthwaite, Douglas Spencer. Scientists and American Air Force officials fend off a bloodthirsty alien organism while at a remote arcti
片 名怪人 上映时间1951年04月06日(美国) 导演Christian ...霍华德·霍克斯 又 名魔星下凡 怪形:异世界来客 The Thing from... 编剧John W. Ca...Charles Le... 主 演玛格丽特·谢利丹Kenneth TobeyRobert CornthwaiteDouglas SpencerJames R. Young ...
“Lately people were like, ‘Were you doing an Eminem thing?’ I’m like, ‘What? No, he’s a killer. No.”Eggold stars as Ed Ramsey the villain in the “Cross” Season 1. He’s member of Washington, D.C.’s upper echelon but comes from humble beginnings in the Midwest. He’...
Professor Vorhees– Another scientist. Initially he sided with Carrington and was upset at Hendry’s refusal to let them thaw out The Thing. However, once the bodies started to accumulate, he switched sides. No doubt to save his own ass more than anything. ...
I've always felt a bit of a stony disconnect with 1951's THE THING FROM ANOTHER WORLD. It's not because it's in black and white, me and black and white movies are prone to secret late night rendezvous all the time. Is it because I saw JOHN CARPENTER's re
the thing from another world There Is No Such Thing As A ‘Reboot’ I saw the new Godzilla yesterday. I enjoyed it a lot, but I’ve been weirded out for months over the fact that I’ve had to call it something I’ve never had to call a Godzilla film. Just like how I recently ...
'The Thing from Another World"(Season 6, Episode 27) TV Episode|Action, Adventure, Drama Edit pageAdd to list No summary details listed.Contribute to this page Status EditReleased Updated1977-7-2 Release date 七月2, 1977(United States) ...
FSM begins its eighth year of classic soundtrack albums with one of the most famous science fiction scores of all time: Dimtri Tiomkin's The Thing From Another World (1951), which astoundingly has never been released in its original soundtrack form. ...
美国 1951年04月29日 瑞典 1951年10月22日 West Germany 1951年10月26日 丹麦 1951年11月27日 芬兰 1951年12月14日 法国 1952年01月23日 日本 1952年05月03日 挪威 1973年02月01日 >怪人The Thing From Another World 原名: The Thing From Another World 片长: 87 分钟, USA: 81 分钟(re-issue...
Ned "Scotty" Scott : What can we learn from that thing except a quicker way to die? Dr. Arthur Carrington : It doesn't matter what happens to us. Nothing counts except for our thinking. We thought our way into nature. We split the atom. Eddie : Yes, and that sure made the wo...