Never use a long word where a short one will do. If it is possible to cut out a word, always cut it out. Never use the passive where you can use the active. Never use a foreign phrase, a scientific word or a jargon word if you can think of an everyday English equivalent. Break...
246 278 Everything Everywhere All at Once Kwan, Dan & Daniel Scheinert 2022 USA 139 247 255 Film socialisme Godard, Jean-Luc 2010 Switzerland 102 248 259 Ghost Story, A Lowery, David 2017 USA 92 249 246 Devil's Backbone, The del Toro, Guillermo 2001 Spain 107 250 249 Leviathan Zv...
Everything's Jake (2000) Mary Looram Little Old Lady Like Father (2018) Dana Lorge Little Old Lady Miss Congeniality 2: Armed & Fabulous (2005) C.C. Loveheart Little Old Lady Far from Heaven (2002) Melissa Rae Mahon Little Old Lady Deception (2008) Patricia Mariano Little...
Cameos can frequently be the thing that makes or breaks a film. As for "Deadpool 2", there was a cameo that made the action movie even that more compelling. Once we figured out who this cameo was made by — many movie watchers felt the need to pause a...
as if Messersmith ended each song teary-eyed from the pain of looking back at things that were once so important that he has now lost (“You said I’d walk with you on streets of gold, where no one ever dies from growing old, somewhere everything is perfect…”). I wish that I co...
The Next Best Thing: Who Is the Greatest Celebrity Impersonator? (2007) Jeff Kelly Kenny 1 The Matrix: Path of Neo (2005) Neil Espe Proprietor 1 Are You Bready (2021) Angela Pupello Stefaney 1 Law & Order (1990) Matt Bradford Bully 1 Hunter (2003) Adam DeAngelis ...
Script Junkie | Script Junkie | Doing the Right Thing - How to Use HTML, CSS and JavaScript in an Accessible Manner MSDN | Managed Reference Enhancement Preview Has Ended TechNet On: Archive DeviceNotifyEventArgs Class (Microsoft.Multipoint.Sdk) MultipointGenericEventArgs Properties (Microsoft.Multi...
Script Junkie | Script Junkie | Doing the Right Thing - How to Use HTML, CSS and JavaScript in an Accessible Manner MSDN | Managed Reference Enhancement Preview Has Ended TechNet On: Archive DeviceNotifyEventArgs Class (Microsoft.Multipoint.Sdk) MultipointGenericEventArgs Properties (Microsoft.Multi...
“King Cobra” and directorial efforts “In Dubious Battle” and “The Sound and the Fury.” At this point there’s no denying Franco has talent, but he takes on so many middling projects and appears in what seems like everything to the point that it can be hard to remember why you ...
Also ranks #1 on Everything Leaving Netflix At The End Of August Also ranks #2 on The Best Movies Directed by Antoine Fuqua 11 Out of Time Denzel Washington, Eva Mendes, Sanaa Lathan 85 votes Out of Time, a fast-paced and suspenseful thriller, stars Denzel Washington as a small-town ...