By far the most amazing thing about Blue Toad My, what a delightful blue outfit he's sporting! Green ToadA Mushroom Kingdom green! Green Toad is a Toad who loves the color green. Loves it! Yep. That...about sums up Green Toad. Yellow ToadA Mushroom Kingdom...
“ I remember everything about the day I was born. I still bear the scars. The Awoken are my family now. And I am their Queen. ” Mara Sov is the Queen of the Reef, ruler of the Awoken, and former Kell of the House of Wolves. Born as a Human during the late Golden Age, ...
Guaranteed everything taught will be learned. Special promotion – first lesson is free. You only need to purchase a high-quality uniform.The sign over the entrance to Master Yu's school reads 余師傅著名運土術武館, meaning "Master Yu's Famous Earthbending Academy".A...
The long pieces of text shown in the opening cutscene were excerpts from the book, Gulag: A History by Anne Applebaum. This mission features the rare White Tape Camouflage, only on the FAMAS. In the Japanese version of the game, the level was renamed "収
Since the beginning of time, everything has competed with everything else for no reason, other than that is the way of the universe: the law of the jungle. As atoms came into being, they defeated the "primordial broth" that preceded it. From atoms came stars, from stars came galaxies,...
It would be totally embarrassing if someone were to read that thing."– Bowser "Kaaaa-wiiiizzz! It's everyone's favorite quizmaster, Chuck Quizmo!"– Chuck Quizmo "Shucks! First I think I get away from that ol' fishin' man... and then I get all swallowed up by some huge fish....
"The whole thing went smoothly, but there was only one difficult song. It's called M-37. After Pazu and Sheeta arrived at the "Castle in the Sky", I noticed the inside of the castle. It's the song for the scene when they go into the room and see the big tree, and stand in ...
We are a community of people who love learning and passing on knowledge. You can use Wikitrivia to (1) play daily trivia quizzes, (2) write questions for the community, and (3) compete in a friendly trivia league. Here’s how to use each section of our app: ...
Real Life - answer questions about the people and gossip behind the scenes WILD - answer a question from the category of your choice. This card game can be played by itself or as an expansion pack to The Ultimate TV Trivia Game. [What Links Here]...
We are a community of people who love learning and passing on knowledge. You can use Wikitrivia to (1) play daily trivia quizzes, (2) write questions for the community, and (3) compete in a friendly trivia league. Here’s how to use each section of our app: ...