怪形 The Thing (1982)导演: 约翰·卡朋特编剧: Bill Lancaster主演: 库尔特·拉塞尔 / 威尔福德·布利姆雷 / T.K. Carter / David Clennon类型: 科幻 / 悬疑 / 惊悚 / 恐怖制片国家/地区: 美国语言: 英语 / 挪威语上映日期: 1982-06-25片长: 109 分钟又名: 突变第三型《怪人 The Thing From Another ...
I've always felt a bit of a stony disconnect with 1951'sTHE THING FROM ANOTHER WORLD. It's not because it's in black and white, me and black and white movies are prone to secret late night rendezvous all the time. Is it because I sawJOHN CARPENTER's remake first? That never stop...
Overall, the audio was pretty solid for a movie from 1951. Unfortunately, The Thing From Another World comes with almost no supplements. All we find is the film’s theatrical trailer. From what I recall, an old laserdisc release included some extras, but other than the trailer, none of...
The Thing from Another World: Christian Nyby, Howard Hawks द्वारा निर्देशित. Margaret Sheridan, Kenneth Tobey, Robert Cornthwaite, Douglas Spencer के साथ. Scientists and American Air Force offic
The movie is an upxe of the classic 'The Thing From Outer Space', but only like it's predecessor, this film is in full color, and the characters of this film have much more to worry about than an alien veggie该片是对经典影片《怪人》的一次升级,但和它的前作不同,该片是全彩色的,而且...
The movie is an upxe of the classic 'The Thing From Outer Space', but only like it's predecessor, this film is in full color, and the characters of this film have much more to worry about than an alien veggie该片是对经典影片《怪人》的一次升级,但和它的前作不同,该片是全彩色的,而且...
this film is awesome. While surely appearing dated to today’s jaded crowd, this movie still manages to pack quite a punch on several fronts. There is skill of all sorts on display here: in the acting, in the directing, in the writing…even in the musical compositions. Everything comes ...
The Thing is one of the greatest horror movies ever made, but John Carpenter pitched it to Kurt Russell as something else. By Anthony Lund Jan 31, 2024 Movie News Kurt Russell Shares His Insight Into the Debated Ending of The Thing Kurt Russell has become the latest person to give ...
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《中国中央电视台译制片目录》,收集了自1979年至2001年中央电视台国际部历年引进、译制、播出的外国影视剧片名。目录采用中文和外文对照的方法,按播出年限编排而成,并标明出产国名。有些影视剧,因原文片名无法考查,故只有中文译名。 内容包括中央电视台二十多年来所播出和引进域外电影、电视剧的目录,从第一部的南斯...