Clarkson, P. (2003). The Therapeutic Relationship (Second Edition). London:Whurr.Clarkson, P. (2003). The Therapeutic Relationship (2nd Edition). London: WhurrClarkson, P. (2003). The Therapeutic Relationship, (2nd edition). London: Whurr Publishers....
This study provides valuable insights that could be employed in a clinical and therapeutic domain. The causal complexity between social norms, interpersonal interactions, personal motivations and expectations underlines the need for clinicians to evaluate the etiological variants of PPU beyond biomedical conc...
but in one chapter it cannot hope to be exhaustive. Some of the well established views and policies have been given less emphasis than the areas where debate remains, or where there have been interesting new ideas on the pathogenesis of the diseases and the therapeutic opportunities that...
and topics have ranged from Jeremy Clarkson‘s new pub, his finding of knickers on the site, dogging (!) Rashes under boobs, muslin cloth, block deodorants, traffic issues, local festivals, roadworks, politics, ID, living in Yorkshire, the north and south of England a personal comparison, ...
However, the relationship between local blood flux and heart rate variability has not received attention in terms of complexity. Therefore, in this study, multiscale entropy analysis and multiscale fuzzy entropy were calculated to evaluate the complexity of local blood flux signals. Furthermore, the...
Fig. 2. Relationship for stress-strain-permeability of coal at (a) 30 °C, (b) 50 °C and (c) 70 °C. Δσa and Δσb are the critical threshold of coal at Stages I and Ⅱ, respectively. Δσc is the peak deviatoric stress. As the temperature becomes higher, thermal st...
R. (1989). Therapeutic implications of myeloma staging. Eur. J. Haematol., 43 (Suppl. 51), 111-116. DURIE. B.G. & SALMON. SE. (1975). A clinical staging system for multiple myeloma. Correlation of measured myeloma cell mass with presenting clinical features, response to treatment. and...
size distribution (PSD) (nanopores, micropores, mesopores and macropores), the low pressure nitrogen adsorption and desorption method and high-pressure methane injection test and Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) is being used (Clarkson et al., 2012, Guo et al., 2015a, Guo et al., 2015b...
Some gay men are preoccupied with traditional notions of masculinity and express negative feelings towards effeminate behavior in gay men. Various scholars
As well as times when it is ok to damage his male ego in a relationship, there are some times when it’s definitelynot ok. Here are some of the most obvious examples. 1. When he’s trying to open up in good faith Damaging a man’s ego is really easy when he’s already feeling...