The theory of plate tectonics suggests that it isconvection currents inthe mantle of the earth that causes the movement of the continental plates. Which would Subduct if the two were to collide with each other? Continental plates contain less dense rocks than oceanic ones, so the continental pla...
Elastic-rebound theory. Elastic rebound. The elastic rebound theory isan explanation for how energy is spread during earthquakes. As rocks on oppo- site sides of a fault are subjected to force and shift, they accumulate energy and slowly deform until their inter- nal strength is exceeded. What ...
What is the the Late Heavy Bombardment theory of early Earth history quizlet? What is the Late Heavy Bombardment?A time in the Solar System when the planets were subject to a spike in comet collisions, likely due to the migration of the gas giants upsetting the Kuiper Belt. What happened ...