THIS careful study of the electron theory of metals is intended in the first instance as a critical survey of the general principles of the theory and of the approximations made in working out its applications. No attempt is therefore made to give a full account of the applications of the ...
Basic Assumptions of The Drude Model 作为固体物理的起点,Drude model 用于解释金属的导电行为。 电子气体模型 金属中的价电子被看作经典气体,每个价电子都是一个可分辨的刚性球,带负电;除去价电子之外的原子核和内层电子组成的金属离子带正电,且质量大得多,不可移动。 先来计算一下这种电子气模型的基本物理量...
Thermal Conductivity of a Metal Wiedemann-Franz law:热导率比电导率\frac{\kappa}{\sigma}这个值在很多金属中完全正比于温度,并且在所有的金属中,这个比例系数,也就是\frac{\kappa}{\sigma T}(也被叫做洛伦兹数[Lorenz number]) 都非常接近。 定义热流密度[thermal current density]j^q是一个沿着热量流动方...
Hardbound. ``Fundamentals of the Theory of Metals'' has grown out of courses and lectures given by the author over a period of years. Part I is devoted to normal metals and is basically a thoroughly revised version of the author's book ``An Introduction to the Theory of Normal Metals''...
The electron theory of metals describes how electrons are responsible for the bonding of metals and subsequent physical, chemical and transport properties. This textbook gives a complete account of electron theory in both periodic and non-periodic metallic systems. The author presents an accessible appr...
The Electron Theory of Metalsquantum theoryNot Availabledoi:10.1038/126611a0R. H. FowlerNatureFowler, R. H. The Electron Theory of Metals. Nature. 126, 611-618 (1930).
crystallographic features. It deals with areas such as lattice geometry, point defects, dislocations, stacking faults, grain and interphase boundaries, solid solutions, diffusion, etc. The first part covers the general theory while the second part is concerned with descriptions of specific types of ...
The work function of the elements and its periodicity(金属功函数)Downloaded 26 May 2011 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see
The Theory of Alloys in the gamma Phase For the discussion of the diamagnetism we require the value of Э2Е/Э/с2, see, for example,equation (12). 3. Recently Peierlsf has examined the diamagnetic susceptibilities of electronsin metals. of the Fermi distribution, m is the ... H Jones...
这个方程通常被称为 Mott 公式,因其由 Mott 和 Jones 首次提出(Mott N. F. & Jones H., The Theory of the Properties of Metals and Alloys. Clarendon Press, 1936)。 此外,考虑到电导率 \sigma=ne^2\tau(\varepsilon_\mathrm{F}) / m^*=n e \mu 和\displaystyle{ n \approx \int_0^{\var...