was what the science as a phenomenon with its behavior in the sociology its relation with the sociology, this historical teasing on the sense of phenomenology, is a functionalistic philosophy of science towards the social survival , further more, the research of Mulkay, was rather ...
The Philosophy of Plato: Theory of Knowledge
The issue of “knowledge and practice” has usually been approached from an epistemological perspective. In traditional Chinese philosophy, however, it poses even more a problem of ethics and morality. Historically, if the epistemological issue had not been linked to the ethics, it would not have ...
黄勇| 信念、欲望与信欲:斯洛特与王阳明道德动机论之比较 段素革译文章原载于《伦理学研究》2020年第3期摘要:休谟式的信念—欲望模型仍是道德动机理论的主流。在当代哲学中,理性主义的反休谟主义者宣称信念自身足以使人产生行动的动机,因此欲望不是必要的;而情感主义的反休谟主义者则宣称只有欲望或情感才能解释一...
左派批评家普遍赞同对理论的贬低,但正如约翰-麦康伯(John McCumber,2009 年)在“哲学与理论之争:重塑辩论”(Philosophy vs. Theory)一文中指出,哲学与理论之间的区别远非定论。 伊格尔顿在书中明确指出的、詹姆逊也呼应的一点是,他们将之后发生的一切混为一谈,都是资本主义空前扩张带来的去政治化和新自由化的...
narrow form of behaviourism. I got to Harvard in 1951. Skinner’s William James Lectures, which later came out as his bookVerbal Behavior, they were circulating at the time, and that was doctrine for psychology, for philosop...
In this book Bernard Williams delivers a sustained indictment of moral theory from Kant onward. His goal is nothing less than to reorient ethics toward the individual. He deals with the most thorny questions in contemporary philosophy and offers new ideas about issues such as relativism, objectivity...
Define Theory of Knowledge. Theory of Knowledge synonyms, Theory of Knowledge pronunciation, Theory of Knowledge translation, English dictionary definition of Theory of Knowledge. n. The branch of philosophy that examines the nature of knowledge, its pre
He said that in all his work, he tried to work with or work in the shadow of Nietzsche's philosophy. There's quite a bit about Nietzsche in this early lecture series. It's the Nietzschean language that he uses in talking about a history of the will to know or a history of the ...