www.wendang365.cn|基于4个网页 2. 混沌学 严格说来,中国式的混沌思维并不能称之为一种“混沌学”(The theory of Chaos),当然也更不能认为是什么“综合的思维方式”。… www.acriticism.com|基于 1 个网页 释义: 全部,混沌理论,混沌学
Examples of dynamically or slowly developing (depending on subjective ideological approach) chaotic systems in the sphere of politics leads to understanding the topicality of studying the theory of chaos as applied to political analysis.Asiyat K. Botasheva...
Today, the theory of chaos can help with the answer. The second law of thermodynamics is, according to Arthur Eddington, the "supreme law of Nature". It arose from a simple observation: in any macroscopic mechanical process, some or all of the energy always gets dissipated as heat. Just...
have influence on various areas.The authors compared traditional physical education teaching design with physical education teaching design guided by the theory of chaos in terms of linear and nonlinear,closed and open,as well as controllable and uncontrollable,and derived such inspirations as that ...
混沌理论(Chaos theory)是一种兼具质性思考与量化分析的方法,用以探讨动态系统中(如:人口移动、化学反应、气象变化、社会行为等)无法用单一的数据关系,而必须用整体、连续的数据关系才能加以解释及预测之行为。 纪录片中提到一个很直白的例子,从前的天文学家会使用一种特殊的机器来模拟天体运动的相对关系,这种机器主...
Seemingly random events -- the flapping of a flag, a storm-driven wave striking the shore, a pinball's path -- often appear to have no order, no rational pattern. Explicating the theory of chaos and the consequences of its principal findings -- that actual, precise rules may govern such...
2.A disorderly mass; a jumble:The desk was a chaos of papers and unopened letters. 3.oftenChaosThe disordered state of unformed matter and infinite space supposed in some cosmogonic views to have existed before the ordered universe. 4.Chaos theory. ...
Theory of existential (Antonovsky) coherence: a theory of quality of life, health, and ability for use in holistic medicine. The theory is a matrix of nine key elements in five layers: (1) coherence; (2) purpose and talent; (3) consciousness, love, and physicality/... S Ventegodt,T ...
chaos theory n (Mathematics) a theory, applied in various branches of science, that apparently random phenomena have underlying order Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014...
Related to CHAOS:Chaos theory AcronymDefinition CHAOSChaotic Modeling and Simulation(International Conference) CHAOSCreate Havoc Around Our System(flight attendant strike method) CHAOSCan't Have Anyone Over Syndrome(FlyLady.net) CHAOSChief Has Arrived on Scene (USCG adaptation to Army usage) :-) ...