【德州电锯杀人狂游戏】人皮脸布巴语音TheTexasChainSawMassacre-Leatherface All Voice Lines国服第一熊 立即播放 打开App,流畅又高清100+个相关视频 更多 19.9万 442 00:12 App Go 学长这招太高了! 1.0万 1 02:44 App 全新1V4非对称Carnival Hunt宣传片 2443 0 00:10 App 德州电锯新家庭成员泄露视频 1.4...
内容提示: 1973 年的夏天 在德克萨斯州奥斯汀城外几公里处 In the summer of 1973, a few miles outside of Austin, Texas, 五个年轻人遭到 一个身份不明的疯子 five youths were attacked in a grisly and gruesome fashion 丧心病狂的袭击 by an unidentified madman. 这场骇人听闻的屠♥杀♥...
内容提示: 以下即将观赏的影片 The film which you are about to see 乃是根据一宗 is an account of the tragedy 五名青少年所遭遇的惨剧拍摄 which befell a group of 5 youths. 更悲惨的是他们正值青春年华 It is all the more tragic in that they were young, 他们原本可以活得非常久 but had they...
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre - The Escape Game is a cooperative board game for 1 to 5 players, immersing participants in the terrifying atmosphere of the cult 1974 film, on the occasion of its 50th anniversary. In two 90-minute sessions, players, who embody the...
《德州电锯杀人狂(The Texas Chain Saw Massacre)》是由Sumo Digital制作,Gun Interactive发行的一款第三人称不对称恐怖游戏。在得克萨斯电锯惨案中亲身体验疯狂和恐怖。
看完The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2022)!德州电锯杀人狂重启,血浆盛宴,有几个杀法都很有趣!而且有前作女主回归,想弄成宿命对决,可很快就没了hhh 说实话这部很不错,把那种又脏又腥的感觉拍出来了,玩电锯有一手。但可惜的是,这部依旧是没有展开角色深度,光顾着一个个送人头的俗套设定,没想到开头故作悬疑的...
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre by Robert Sammelin û收藏 29 评论 ñ43 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在加载,请稍候... 人文艺术博主 ø 已婚 查看更多 a 109关注 200.8万粉丝 103340微博 微关系 他的关注(113) 山田- 谢天卓 一份电报 麦的...
The Texas Chain Saw Massacre: Directed by Tobe Hooper. With Marilyn Burns, Allen Danziger, Paul A. Partain, William Vail. Five friends head out to rural Texas to visit the grave of a grandfather. On the way they stumble across what appears to be a desert