TESLA was originally named after Nikola Tesla, but later explained by the Communist regime as an abbreviation from TEchnika SLAboproudá, which means “low-voltage technology.” An interesting presentation about the history of pacemakers in the former Czechoslovakia is available here....
A 3.5-m-long solenoidal coil, 2 m in diameter and with a 7 cm thin aluminium conductor, produced a magnetic field of 0.5 Tesla parallel to the electron/positron beam axis. An array of 24 scintillators surrounded the beam pipe, and 42 time-of-flight-counters were mounted immediately inside...
The Tesla detector is a device which is relatively small and easy to handle (Supplemental Fig. 3). When the tip of the Tesla coil is brought near the ampoule, the tip will spark around the glass. If a lot of air is trapped inside the ampoule, the air cannot be ionized (Fig. 2a)....
The reluctance effect can be explained by considering the magnetic energy stored in the magnetic field surrounding the coil due to the constant current during weighing, E=1/2LI2 where L is the self inductance of the coil in its surroundings. Once again, a force arises as a result and in ...
Tesla's Inventions in the Field of Radiocommunications In the early days of Tesla's research he explained the process of electromagnetic waves propagation. His experimentations with high frequencies, wireless c... B Zovko-Cihlar - International Symposium Elmar-focused on Multimedia Signal Processing ...
MRI studies are performed on a 3.0 Tesla GE SignaTwinspeedHDxtmagnet system (GE Healthcare, Milwaukee, WI, USA) utilizing an 8-channel (Westmead) or a 3.0 Tesla GE Discovery MR750magnet system utilizing a 32-channel (Stanford) phased-array head coil. Specialized equipment is also used to fa...
Design and construction of the 4 Tesla background coil for the navy SMES cable test apparatus The design and construction of a background coil being built by Westinghouse STC for the Navy SMES cable test apparatus are presented. One objective of the... DW Scherbarth,DT Hackworth,TD Hordubay...
The MRI data were collected on a 3 Tesla Siemens Tim-Trio MRI scanner at the Robarts Research Institute (London, Ontario) using a 32-channel head coil. To collect functional data we used a T2* weighted single shot EPI imaging sequence (TR = 2 s, TE = 30 ms, 36 slices, 3 mm iso-...
This counterintuitive result can be explained by analyzing the magnetization dynamics for different field inhomogeneity values (a detailed analysis can be found in Supplementary information 4). B0 inhomogeneities also influence the RESL contrast, but the theoretical curve qualitatively represents the ...
Scanning was performed on a 3.0 Tesla MAGNETOM Prisma MRI scanner (Siemens, Munich, Germany) using 20-channel head coil. The scanning session included a Magnetization Prepared RApid Gradient Echo (MP-RAGE) sequence to provide high-resolution structural images (TR/TE = 1860/2.74 ms, flip...