The term Women’s Studies refers to research covering female existence, with women being studied both as acting subjects and described objects. Using bio-social femaleness as the main analytical category, Women’s Studies focus on human genderedness. This interaction between biologically determined sex...
While preparing to teach an intro course on climate, I'm reminded of why we use the term climate change and not global warming. Yes, the Earth is warming from a thickening layer of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere caused by us. But climate changes range from sea level rise to ...
Define moment of inertia. moment of inertia synonyms, moment of inertia pronunciation, moment of inertia translation, English dictionary definition of moment of inertia. n. pl. moments of inertia A measure of a body's resistance to angular acceleration,
take - engage for service under a term of contract; "We took an apartment on a quiet street"; "Let's rent a car"; "Shall we take a guide in Rome?" charter, hire, rent, lease, engage acquire, get - come into the possession of something concrete or abstract; "She got a lot of...
According to McKinsey, American millennials (born between 1980 and the late 1990s) spent 17% more in the year to March 2022 than they did in the year before. Despite this short-term recovery from the dark days of the pandemic, their long-term prospects are much less good. American millenni...
Harrer E, Harrer T, Barbosa P et al. Recognition of the highly conserved YMDD region in the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 reverse transcriptase by HLA-A2-restricted cytotoxic T lymphocytes from an asymptomatic long-term nonprogressor. J Infect Dis 1996; 173: 476–9. ...
She's a sex and dating podcaster who often pushes people away, and he's a rabbi coming out of a long-term relationship his entire community supported. But when the two meet at a dinner party, they can't seem to stop thinking about each other… And a delightful romance begins. The ...
Today, Buster Olney joins us as we explore Haders story, the greater context of how MLB uses and abuses pitchers, and the impact this new tactic could have not only on their contracts, but also their long-term health. May 31: Will a Shuttered School Win a College World Series Title?
This helps explain why he ends a phone call with "Auf Wiedersehen" rather than the correct "Auf Wiederhören" ("Money"), a specialized term for telephone conversations, which would not have existed in pre-industrial Germany. The Amish stem from a region in Germany where people farewell ...
Forests are spatially and temporally dynamic, such that forest degradation is best quantified across whole landscapes and over the long term. The European Union’s forest degradation policy, which focuses on contemporary primary forest conversion to plantations, ignores other globally prevalent forestry pr...