The cases of McDonald in Russia and Asia evidently fall short of being considered as cultural homogenization but should rather be seen as global localization,insiderization, orglocalization, the latter term coined by Sony chairman Akio Morita to indicate the necessity for companies to loo...
(Sociology) a member of certain classes in India, formerly considered inferior and untouchable. Seescheduled castes [Hindi, literally: man of God (so called by Mahatma Gandhi), fromHarigod +janman] Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publisher...
Schipol Airport was made famous by Christmas Bomber Farouk Abudulmutallib (story was complete BS; he shares the name with Muhammad’s Hashemite Quyraish Tribe uncle; hilarious isn’t it? Hashemites are Edomites; Quyraish are the Rebel Priests from Moses’ day God swallowed up in the Earth) ...
by Sioux Rose The astrology that you don't know: Let's explore that premise. The first case that comes to mind involved a client whose mother was experiencing Neptune's direct transit over her Aquarian sun. I explained at length that this influence typically involved fraud, and warned her ...
The US created Al Qaeda “Solid Foundation”; the term was first coined by Stanford University Arab Studies lecturer Ibn Sayyid Qutb in 1966 aka Year One Satan, the year the Church of Satan was founded in the Black House in San Francisco by Anton LaVey (nee Howard Levey); Qutb was ...
a woman or person belonging to the Scheduled Caste or Scheduled Tribes communities was converted through the said unlawful means, the jail term would be a minimum of three years and could be extended to 10 years with a fine of INR 25,000.The ordinance, pass...
While it is often asserted that TERF is a term coined by trans people as a slur, the term actually comes from the non-trans feminist community. In 2008 an online feminist community popularized “TERF” as a way of making a distinction between two types of feminism: trans-exclusionary “radi...
A group of students in a regularly scheduled meeting with a teacher. The class was noisy, but the teacher was able to get their attention with a story. Standard Something, such as a practice or a product, that is widely recognized or employed, especially because of its excellence. Class A...
But Europe has recently decommissioned a number of plants, and more are scheduled to close over the next few years. Restarting the closed nuclear plants and extending the life of those still online would indeed provide a short-term boost over currently anticipated generating capacity....
it has been the Bahujan conversion that has pushed the BJP to stratospheric heights electorally. The BJP now has to balance inter-caste dynamics in the present but looks to integrate castes in the long term. The BJP will play the ground game of caste in the short term but looks to the ...