Define Phalaris. Phalaris synonyms, Phalaris pronunciation, Phalaris translation, English dictionary definition of Phalaris. Noun 1. Phalaris - a genus of grasses with broad leaves and a dense spike of flowers genus Phalaris liliopsid genus, monocot genu
Each dot reflects an enriched term, the x-axis reflects the fold enrichment of each term, the color of each dot corresponds to the –log10 of the adjusted p-value which is adjusted based on Bonferroni method and the size of each dot corresponds to the...
phanerogam- plant that reproduces by means of seeds not spores seed plant,spermatophyte seedling- young plant or tree grown from a seed balsam- any seed plant yielding balsam gymnosperm- plants of the class Gymnospermae having seeds not enclosed in an ovary ...
Secondly, it was deposited over a time span of at least 7 million years [13,14], and thus provides a long-term palaeoenvironmental record. Finally, and most importantly, it is a globally important vertebrate Lagerstätte marked by exceptional fossil abundance, diversity, and quality of ...
During the construction process and long-term use, the asphalt material is inevitably affected by environmental factors such as light, heat, and water, which cause the asphalt binder and the mixture to age, to a certain extent, thus affecting moisture damage. Research on the heat aging of ...