I imagine that the list before long will appear on Quizlet or similar apps. Given that the list is accessible to students there is nothing to stop them using it as part of their revision. For example, a student could do a mind map using the celebrity culture topic with Taylor Swift at...
Population ecology isan important area of ecology that links ecology to population dynamics, genetics and evolution. Concept: Population Interactions. How do we define species? A biological species isa group of organisms that can reproduce with one another in nature and produce fertile offspring. The ...
It is important to note that students may feel less confident when they space their learning (Bjork,1999) than when they cram. This is because spaced learning is harder – but it is this “desirable difficulty” that helps learning in the long term (Bjork,1994). Students tend to cram for...
1999) than when they cram. This is because spaced learning is harder – but it is this “desirable difficulty” that helps learning in the long term (Bjork,1994). Students tend to cram for exams rather than space out their learning. One explanation for this is that cramming...
Cont. Name Peak https://www.peak.net/ Phet https://phet.colorado.edu/ Quizlet https://quizlet.com/de Reality Check https://mediasmarts.ca/digital- media-literacy/educational- games/reality-check-game Slidesmania https://slidesmania.com/ SQL Murder Mystery https://mystery.knightlab.com/ ...