Shirley Schmidt: I’m just having a hard time reconciling; you’ll steal from the Pope, but cloak yourself in canon law when it comes to protecting a pedophile. Do you support pedophilia?A.D.A. Frank Ginsberg: Objection!Shirley Schmidt: Do I dare ask where those three fingers had been ...
the research on some the research on stock the research on term the research on the d the research on the d the research on the e the research on the e the research on the g the research on the i the research on the i the research on the m the research on the p the research on...
catalog entry catalog manager catalog table catalog term catalogedprocedure cataloginventory catalogrecord catalogue nvt catalyst for ethanol catalysts and auto ex catalytic cracker catalytic cracking si catalytic gas reformi catalytic muffler catalytic site catalyzedsignalamplif catanadromous catanha catantops ...
2.To include in the biblical canon. 3.To include in a literary canon. 4.To approve as being within canon law. 5.To treat as sacred; glorify. can′on·i·za′tion(-ĭ-zā′shən)n. can′on·iz′ern. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyrig...
Evidence for the NT Canon As we explained in our earlier article (see “The Old Testament Canon”), the term canon goes back to the ancient Greeks, where they used the term to describe a measuring rod. This is probably a loan word from the ancient Hebrew word kaneh (or “reed”), ...
2.frequently.He comes here regularly.regularmente,con frecuencia ˈregulate(-leit)verb control.We must regulate our spending;Traffic lights are used to regulate traffic.regular adjust (a piece of machineryetc) so that it works at a certain rateetc.Can you regulate this watch ...
X Manji Shinsan Dainihon Zokuzōkyō新纂卍續藏 (New Compilation of Buddhist canon) Ed. Kawamura Kōshō 河村孝照 et al. 90 vols. Kyoto: Zōkyō shoin, 1975–1989. B Supplement to the Dazangjing大藏經補編 et al. 36 vols. Taipei: Lan Jifu 1985. Notes 1 The term “Buddhist auxiliary ...
I have relied on the tripartite categorization done by Egaku which provided a good overview of the use of the term “adbhuta” in the Buddhist scriptures. Regarding the place of these miracle narratives in the canon, the formal divisions of the teachings were used to differentiate different can...
The Jews in Jerusalem in the late first/early second century were aware of some type of Christian canon. Jews tended to call Christians minim, a derogatory term for some type of groups--essentially meaning sectarians/heretics. Here is something from (I also included the footnotes as they add...
In this film, Vertov raised up the term Kino-Pravda, or film truth. It was from this term that cinema verite was translated.[[] Erik Barnouw, Documentary: A History of the Non-fiction film (New York: Oxford University Press,1974),pp.254] For Rouch, this “film truth” essentially ...